chapter seven: crush? nah

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month later

jungkook is grabbing coffee from the table and quickly drinks it, saying "see you hyung, I'll be later today! dance practice"

"wowow hold on, slow down" namjoon said surprised at jks weird behaviour which is actually since the hoseoks birthday party "you have not ate your breakfast jungkook, you can't forget to it all the time you kid", "damn, joon. focus on your girlfriend not on me. and I'm not a kid, or either hungry so-", "hey" namjoon cut jungkook off making the younger shut mouth immediately "you never are, shut up and eat this" namjoon added, jk rolled eyes and took the toast from namjoon's plate mumbling "thanks" not so confident as before, being about to leave again but then-

"where are you going?" namjoon asked seriously "college? you should too" jungkook answers chuckling "I have classes later than you today, I meant why are you going to be later today?" namjoon explains, looking curious at jungkook who smiled, shrugging "I told you, dance practice" laughing afterwards "bye, hyung" before running out of their dorm.

when the door shut namjoon blinked twice, not knowing what to think about all this "what's wrong with him lately? is he mad at him or something?" he mumbles before pulling out his phone and sitting on the sofa.

yuri 💜💜

when are we meeting

hey, are you there???

namjoon ❤️

I was talking to jungkook

yuri 💜💜

It's okay baby
you talked to him about
you know
his weird behaviour like you wanted??

namjoon ❤️

I tried
he's just in such a rush all the time
like he's hiding something from me
I don't like this
we always were so close
like brothers
we were telling each other everything
I don't want this to change

yuri 💜💜

idk how can I help you 😕
just maybe
he met someone????

namjoon ❤️

the biggest 'no relationship guy' met someone?
and he's behaving that way
because has a crush?
yeah, I don't buy it
I know him too well

yuri 💜💜

we didn't talk at all for a year and only 3 months ago started talking
now we are couple
people meet other people unexpectedly

namjoon ❤️

but he never believed in love
he never wanted to be with someone

yuri 💜💜

I don't know then
maybe it's something different?
or at least similar?
don't bother yourself with it
he's an adult
you have to let him live his life
however he wants

namjoon ❤️

but he never take care of himself

yuri 💜💜

I know
but you have to give him some space at least
come on
let's grab some coffee together hm?

namjoon ❤️

you're right
I'll pick you in 10

yuri 💜💜

alright 😉

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