fourteen: attention

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"uh coming-" namjoon tries with cup of coffee in the hand being the whole mood suddenly being cut off by jungkook who quickly says "I got it! I got it! It's for me!" running towards the door „It's for me!", "damn, chill. go get it, I'm not saying you can't. who is that even-" at seeing taehyung when jungkook opened the door namjoon quickly corrected himself "uh, It's you" before again sitting on the couch.

"hey there" taehyung chuckled, leaning to kiss jks neck who giggles stupidly, making his friend cringe "uh, you guys are disgusting. in a cute way, of course" namjoon laughed making jungkook roll eyes at him playfully before grabbing taes hand and starting to pull him towards the exit "bye hyung", "please don't be too late, I have a date with yuri and you have to help me get ready. since last night couldn't" namjoon ads, taehyung chuckles at hearing it while showing him thumbs up before jungkook closed door behind them.

"yeah, still don't trust him" namjoon breath out to himself with serious expression, staring at door to jks bedroom which was oddly empty these days...

time skip

"you seriously, don't like matcha tea latte?!??!"

jungkook asked with big eyes at taehyung, they are in some random cafè, ordering something because got hungry and as well heard how good the coffee here is from jimin. it was jungkook's idea to come here, since they basically started to date but they haven't been to any date together yet. well, jungkook decided to change it not really caring about what people will talk about them. he likes taehyung, very much... and also he wants to spend time with him outside their dorms more, it gets annoying being in the same 4 walls all the time.

"I haven't tried honestly, but it doesn't look tasty" taehyung says back, placing hand onto jks waist who blinked twice "did you just judge it without even testing it? you are so funny sometimes, you know that?" he says, rolling eyes afterwards at the elder boy who chuckles "and you are so beautiful when you get annoyed by me" pulling his 'boyfriend' closer to himself, adding "I should annoy you more I guess".

wow 'boyfriend' what a nickname. a nickname taehyung didn't expect to ever use at someone, even jungkook when they started to hang out.

it's a huge difference for taehyung, he never dreamed to get. "so, what do you want? wanna decide finally blondie?" jungkook says, rolling eyes at taehyung who smirks "first of all, can we stop finally make fun of my hair? I get it, they are damaged. and whatever. you can pick me anything you want, I will drink it anyway", "anything I want? including matcha?" jungkook whispers, putting hands onto taes chest who brings him even closer "including that disgusting looking matcha, I'll suffer it for you" taehyung said back, tugging some of jks hair behind his ear who smiles warmly.

they slowly started leaning in towards each others lips when suddenly taehyung noticed that some of his friends from basketball team enter, at seeing that taehyung quickly leans away from jungkook nervously who looks at him confused "what's wrong?" jungkook asks, looking around "nothing I- l-look, it's our turn. come on" taehyung said back awkwardly, running palms through hair before walking closer to the cashiers behind the counter.

jungkook was staring at him surprised, turning around just to witness some of taes friends from basketball team standing, now making fun of him. of course, these dickheads have nothing to do besides looking at my ass and playing with a ball- oh he bites lower lip lost in thoughts and surprised a little at tae's behaviour but walked closer to him, pretending everything is okay.

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