chapter four: pillow talk

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"- you don't know him jungkook, calm down. he's just a random guy from dating up"

namjoon chuckled while walking with his roommate next to him into their college building, jungkook rolled eyes playfully lost in thoughts "but he's kinda cute, I mean. I like to text with him, and he's really smart", "oh no, we aren't having this conversation again, bye kid" namjoon laughed out making the younger do the same preciously saying back "bye joon" before pushing door to that cursed locker room to pull out from there his comfy clothes for dance.

while hiding some of the stuff in his locker heard that someone is entering there, closing door afterwards making him a bit surprised because as it was already mentioned he's the only male dancer in his team.

seeing that tall blonde guy who's suddenly so interested in him explains everything.

"hey" taehyung said, running palms through hair while leaning against the lockers next to jungkook who mumbled back "hey" locking his locker as well just to awkwardly stand straight. taehyung slowly checked him out while doing it and said afterwards "I was waiting for you" making jungkook look at him more directly.

"what?" jungkook asked finally getting what the elder meant by it, he completely forgot about what he promised taehyung literally against his lips 2 days ago. against his plump, warm, gentle as- "in my dorm, I thought you will come but you didn't show up the whole weekend" taehyung explained, leaning his head more against the lockers "oh" jungkook breath out blushing a little shit. he spent the whole weekend texting with his new friend user1921 on the dating app that he forgot about going to taes place.

"I couldn't sorry, I was really busy" jungkook said nervously "with what?" taehyung asked making the younger boy look away awkwardly not even knowing what to answer "as If you care", "why are you being so rude? I thought you wanted to meet?" taehyung asked offended, "come on, let's face a truth. you don't like me, I don't like you and all what happened between us was just wrong. let's stop it finally, gosh"

"why?" taehyung said "because this weird sexual attraction towards each other doesn't work with us, that lust just makes it awkward and I can't meet with you that way. you want to hide this, whatever that is, and I don't. see? and I'm not saying I want to be in relationship with you, just to have it clear because I really don't" jungkook said back, taehyung bite lower lip a bit pissed "seriously?", "tell me I'm wrong?" jungkook said making the elder look away annoyed.

"I just don't want anyone to find out that" taehyung started, feeling uncomfortable as hell "that I might be into man, I'm not saying I am" he continued, jungkook roll eyes "there's no shame in being gay, taehyung. It's completely normal", "sure, said a guy who doesn't care about reputation. my reputation is everything what can get me through this shitty school" taehyung said getting annoyed as well "don't worry, you aren't as important as you may think" jungkook answered, taehyung bite lower lip.

"listen, okay I'll admit it this moment on the bench was um memorable but first you need to decide what you want before you decide to have a friend with benefits. and I don't think you want me anyway" jungkook said making taehyung furrow "what the fuck are you trying to tell me? I perfectly know what I want, I'm not fucking stupid ", "then what do you want?", "you" that word made jungkook shut mouth immediately.

"fuck" taehyung breath out not really wanting jungkook to hear that or share it with anyone "taehyung-", "just forget it, I don't need your pity. I wasn't being seriously" taehyung cut the younger off harshly who looked down "you like me?" jungkook asked from curiosity making taehyung while in frustration running palms through his messy hair mumble "what?"

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