chapter eight: rush

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when everything that is unusual, dangerous,  not really necessary to get into and full of hate accumulates and turns into something attractive, unexpectedly needy and still deadly at the same time. that's what it was like for jungkook to see taehyung.

taehyung never was someone that jungkook had a crush on, he never thought about him that way because his whole image was based on fucking girls, playing baseball and being that stupid popular playboy of their college but as well town. not really attractive at first thought, right? maybe a little now, back then jungkook would do anything to never again see that blonde hair, now he wants to do it even more often than already does.

now they are in taes dorm, jungkook is sitting naked on taehyung, arching back with hands behind himself on taes knees to stabilise and control more his little pleasurable moves forward and backwards. the whole moment felt so surreal, so beautiful in a way. taehyung also completely naked was looking at jungkook holding his hips tightly making sure he helps jungkook sometimes speed up or hit right spots.

minutes later both of them came and jungkook is quick to moan highly, arching his back even more at the pleasure spreading inside his whole body like some kind of stronger butterflies but better. way better. stronger and warmer, that's how it felt.

taehyung groans, coming inside of jks body while jungkook slowly started coming to stop with his moves finally straightening up just to wrap around taes neck one arm, breathing in and out quickly, their noses almost touching for needed proximity. "you got better" taehyung breaths out a bit surprised as well, smirking afterwards at jungkook who chaws on the lower lip "you got harder" he says back making taehyung lick lips at the jks words. they really enjoyed flirting with each other.

he leans and kisses jks lips who sigh into his mouth, grabbing his both cheeks with his hands meanwhile taehyung moves his to jks buttcheeks, softly resting his own there. suddenly a notification came from jks phone making jungkook break the kiss a little bit red, standing up from taes lap to check who it was while taehyung a bit frustrated because their moment was broke was looking at him what's he doing.

namjoon hyung 🐨

when are going to be back?
I need your help

"I gotta go" jungkook whispers, staring to wear his sweatpants and black oversize shirt "already?" taehyung asked also quickly wearing something, grabbing the nearest boxers of his just to sit on edge of the bed. "I thought um you gonna stay for a bit at least" taehyung says while jungkook was fixing his hair now turning around to him "what do you mean? I always leave after... you know, that was your rule" blushing afterwards.

"I know, I- It's just" taehyung said, grabbing jks wrist to pull him closer just to make him sit again onto his lap. with a difference that now they are clothed, obviously. "I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie together, you know? or something like this I guess, since we are spending time anyway" taehyung added with hands onto jks waist who blushed even more, hands softly resting onto taes warm bare chest "oh" he breaths out because it was the last thing he expected from taehyung to say now.

"you mean you want to spend time with me? alone- I mean obviously alone but, what?" jungkook asks in little shock "yeah, I guess I meant that. we can order some food If you're hungry or cuddle" taehyung smiles at the younger, grabbing him closer, kissing his collarbone gently who bite lower lip lost in thoughts, being distracted by soft kissing.

"I-I can't" jungkook says not really sure about one part of the invitation making taehyung confused "what?" he asked, "I can't, I have to go sorry" jungkook replies before standing up from taes lap and leaving his dormitory. taehyung in even bigger shock was staring at the door where seconds ago jungkook dispeared, asking himself what the hell happened and why jungkook just- did he just left me? just like that, when I tried to be nice and everything what the fuck taehyung thought.

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