fifteen: you broke me first

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jungkook is putting on his headphones while leaving his college building, it was a really bad day for him because had this huge fight with his teacher about one of his exams and he doesn't really want to see anyone except maybe his boyfriend.

speak of the devil. jungkook while walking downstairs noticed taehyung talking to the group of men, it was raining so all of them had hoods and jungkook couldn't really see who that was. could guess that it was tae's friends from a team. the storm started getting stronger but jungkook didn't care, he really wanted to find himself in his warm bed and yeah he wanted to spent time with taehyung but it could end badly with his hopeless mood.

while walking near the group suddenly he hears his name, confused he turns around now trying to sneak a little to hear more because was more than sure he heard not tae's voice. it seemed weird because from what he knows he haven't told his friends yet about their friendship either relationship so why his name was just mentioned there? maybe he finally tells them about it? oh jungkook has to hear it, his curiosity is unstoppable when it comes to taehyung.

jungkook secretly moves closer to the group, acting like he's waiting for someone now being able to hear their whole conversation, unfortunately it wasn't anything what he thought it was and maybe it would be better If he just walked to his dorm instead.

    ⁃    so you wanna tell us the truth?
    ⁃    fuck, about what? I don't even know what are you guys talking about anymore
    ⁃    about you fucking that jungkook guy
    ⁃    what?
    ⁃    yeah we saw you around with him
    ⁃    multiple times actually, you aren't coming to practice a lot and you are the fucking leader
    ⁃    I mean, what the fuck? after all, he is terribly irritating, he was always telling us something back. It was almost always you who called him out, you guys hated each other
    ⁃    excuse me? what are assuming, felix?
    ⁃    did you fuck him?
    ⁃    what the fuck is that question even-
    ⁃    don't lie to us kim
    ⁃    you fucked him- oh fuck, If you did I literally have to tell others
    ⁃    seriously, choisan?
    ⁃    shut up all of you and let taehyung finally fucking answer, have you slept with that jeon guy? fuck, please say no

jungkook was listening to their every word, chawing lower lip nervously not really liking where this conversation is going but somehow instead of going away he decided to stay knowing he will regret it later very well. he doesn't care what these people think about him even a little but just can't stand how taehyung isn't saying anything back to them.

    ⁃    I'm I um-
    ⁃    you what, fucking use your words
    ⁃    you are a faggot now?
    ⁃    shut up min, let him talk
    ⁃    obviously he's with that guy, that's why he wasn't seen fucking or kissing with any girl for awhile now, he's gay
    ⁃    let him fucking talk
    ⁃    I-

it seems like he's is hesitating, nervous...
jungkook thought to himself, chawing lower lip meanwhile. when suddenly heard

    ⁃    of course I'm not fucking him or either in relationship with him dickheads, the only thing I care about is basketball right now. and get this into your dick heads once and for all, you idiots, that I'm not fucking gay

at hearing that jungkook's heart broke into thousands of pieces. that meant that all these months, all these promises didn't mean anything for taehyung. everything what he said to him about coming out to his friends, about being a real couple, about their feelings was just a lie and jungkook was too naive to see it earlier that him and taehyung were never a thing, taehyung never liked him the way he does him and all jungkook just heard just-

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