thirteen: anxious

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jungkook is hiding books in his locker on the college corridor, running palms through hair tiredly, he woke up today earlier to study for an exam some more not feeling ready at all so the only thing he wants and needs right now is his bed. his warm, big with lots of space bed.

he checks his phone, witnessing some messages from his virtual 'friend' if he can call a guy who he met or not even on a dating app a 'friend'. wow, what is right now happening in jks life is beyond unexpected.


are you okay?
you weren't answering me later the whole night
how was the party
you got me worrying


I have such a bad hangover
I fell asleep right away when I came back

when jungkook woke up yesterday taehyung was already gone, living him in his bed where his scent still was hanging in the air keeping jungkook sure that he was there and it wasn't just a dream. jungkook was feeling terrible that he somehow managed to lose control over himself and as well his safety at first blaming taehyung for being alone who came there and rescued him, oh how romantic it was for jungkook apart from the part about almost being raped by your own stupidity.


I see
hope you doing well
everything good? want to talk?


yeah I'm just
having a lot on my head
I'm on my way to my classes


sorry to bother you


It's fine
don't worry about it
text you later?



suddenly also got a message from namjoon.

namjoon hyung

haven't seen you in the morning
are you okay?

gosh why everyone are asking me this!?


yes I'm fine
I'm already heading to classes

namjoon hyung

I'm staying today at dorm
feeling sick
I'll do something to eat so
see you at lunch


okay thank you
I'll be as fast as possible 🫶🏻

jungkook hides phone in the pocket, taking deep breath before starting to walk away suddenly noticing paper on his locker, "what the hell?" he furrowed a bit annoyed while opening the paper witnessing:

          come to locker room after class

jungkook bites lower lip knowing who that was suddenly feeling hand on shoulder making him jump in shock and as well fear "hey!", "jesus chill, it's just me. easy there" hoseok laughed out "see you at classes" he added before running away. jungkook takes a deep breath, noticing how the hairs on his arms stood up and his heart beat faster. "shit" he mumbles before also making way to his classes, feeling uneasy and as well shaken by everything what is happening around him.

50 minutes later

jungkook left his classes quickly making way to the locker room where he supposed to be, well he guessed who wanted him there.

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