chapter three: mysterious

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jungkook while checking something in his bag is entering the locker room because had planned dance practice. he's not really in a mood because exams got him that tired that his eyes closes on his own. pretty annoying.

when he opened door his eyes witnessed basketball team being about to leave, laughing at seeing him in doors hilarious "hi princess", "don't be shy, dance for us", "what a cutie", "wanna suck us off?" some of them said to jungkook who bite his tongue not wanting to be pushed or anything now, definitely not today. they where leaving the locker room when suddenly jungkook notices taehyung who was the last one doing it so of course

when all of them left and taehyung also was about to do the same, jungkook while standing on the side tried to simply pass him not really wanting to make an eye contact or any of these to not make this even more awkward but was stopped by taehyung grabbing his arm, pulling him closer from the surprise just to kiss him passionately unexpectedly.

jungkook at first tried to stop him but slowly obeyed, resting hands onto taes strong arms, squeezing them a little. taehyung hands slide into jks back pockets of his skinny jeans, that damn jeans, pushing him closer to press their bodies together. "no, please stop-" jungkook tried quietly, being again cut off by taehyung lips "I really need to go-" he tried again, it didn't work also this time. it wasn't something uncomfortable for jungkook, it was just so surprising and all since taehyung was still an asshole to him.

when jungkook finally came to his sense he pushed taehyung away and asked a bit angrier "what are you doing?" making taehyung ask confused "what do you think am I doing?" chuckling a little "I thought you're like um homophobic? and what's more important, straight?" jungkook said, that made the elder stop chuckling "I'm not gay" he said with serious eyes at jungkook who scuffs at hearing this no way

"didn't you just kiss me?", "you kissed me back" taehyung said back "yeah, because I'm gay" jungkook chuckles making taehyung look away "okay look, you're hot and everything. and I really enjoyed our lovely moment week ago here on a bench but I'm not planning on being played by some guy from stupid basketball team who can't even decide what he likes, I guess because you're afraid of how your friends would react" jungkook said with crossed arms.

"I'm not afraid of anyone" taehyung said angrily now stepping closer to jungkook who says back almost exploding from frustration at these stupid comeback words "oh yeah? then why are you behaving like such a dick to me only when they are around-", "you don't fucking know me, you don't know anything about me so shut up and stop saying what I like or not because I perfectly know what I want and I'm not a fucking faggot understood?" taehyung cut the younger boy off who now didn't even know how to react at such a words.

he nods disappointed, mumbling "stupid asshole" while trying to walk away being stopped after some steps by grip onto his wrist. "wait" taehyung whispered making jungkook stop, the elder slowly as If hesitating moved hand gently more down to connect their fingers together, whispering "I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay? just please..."

jungkook at hearing that let taehyung again slowly pull him closer, when again they faced each other taehyung embarrassed while looking down grabbed jks waist and kissed his lips softly making sure that there is still lots of passion in that. jungkook sigh at the contact, feeling how his body melt also being mad at how he let taehyung do whatever he wants with him. It's not in his style.

"stay" taehyung whispered making jungkook look down, sighing "I can't taehyung, I have dance practice. I really need to go", "please" taehyung repeated not wanting to let go of jungkook who met his eyes, lost in thoughts.

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