chapter ten: night dancer

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month later

jungkook is dancing in the practice hall, giving it all from himself because since he started to have a thing with taehyung he for example began to skip practice or started to stay at the same skill level, which didn't happen very often. he always made sure he's doing his best in dancing, but now? so basically he took a break from it, and I'm talking here about his hook ups with that handsome leader of basketball team, to be more specific from taehyung who wasn't really fine with it.

jungkook right now again messes up the choreography, standing up from the floor just to angrily run palms through hair, mumbling something to himself quickly stopping the music just to calm down w little fuck! I'm a disaster since he's really emotional because of the new pills he got caused by his eating problems he tried so hard not to turn into crying mess, oh how much he would give to just go home and lay down for a bit. take some time for himself.

suddenly for his own surprise he hears that damn low voice "wow, you look even more emo than usually. and that's a feat" taehyung smirks, leaning on the door frame a little.

jungkook turns around to him quickly, smiling at him saying back teasingly "you scared the shit out of me! and excuse me, since when I'm emo may I know?", taehyung points at his head making jungkook answer "oh, my hair? yeah I died them more black. what a genius you are" prettily fixing his hair. "I see, I like it. you look good" taehyung says, winking afterwards at the younger just to slowly check him out, licking lips.

"eyes up, not a good time to stare at my ass" jungkook pouts making the elder even more temped follow him "what problem you got? gosh I have to learn you how to play basketball instead of this, don't get me wrong I love seeing you dance, like seriously your a-", "in your dreams. and I don't have any problem It's just, my kind of homework was about to make a passionate and honest and I don't know sexy dance and I can't get it right because I'm not able to imagine something without tangibility. my brain sucks" jungkook explains, taehyung nods before getting an idea.

"I can help you" taehyung said, jungkook looks at him confused "yeah, sure! let's do it! come on! I'm joking, obviously. as If you know how to dance big guy", "don't worry, you'll be the one dancing definitely not me" taehyung said and sat on the floor making the younger blink twice "w-what are you doing?"? "come on, don't be shy, don't be emotional" taehyung teases.

jungkook chuckles at hearing that, mumbling "idiot" before going to change the music "fine, I'm doing this only because I have to finally get it right. anyway, just try to match my moves and let me lead, I have to end it so focus and try not to touch my so much" he adds, taehyung simply says 'okay' leaning with his arms on the floor more, smirking at the way jungkook is scratching himself before starting to dance to played song.

it was snippet of a song 'One of the Girls'. "oh I like this song, especially the lyrics. so smart" taehyung says while staring at jungkook rolling eyes and I'm screamin' out, give me though love~ "the beat is good and chorus so shut up and like I said, focus" he said before starting to dance the actual choreography when the chorus came.

we don't gotta be in love no, I don't gotta be the one no... taehyung was hypnotized by jks every move, every roll of his body. it felt so right to finally look at jungkook correctly since it's his first time. for sure not a last one now when he sees how good jungkook actually is at it. his every move was perfectly connected and coordinated and taehyung couldn't take his eyes off him, fascinated by what he saw and how sexy it was I just wanna be one of your girls tonight

jungkook after some moments moved closer to taehyung, sitting onto his lap while pushing his chest down just to be above him, hands on both of the sides of taes head who bites lower lip. lock me up and throw away the key, he knows how to get the best out of me jungkook arches his back to the beat, brushing nose against taes gently not really in purpose, from the proximity, because taehyung grabbed his waist helping him dance lower and as well closer.

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