chapter twelve: drunk tears

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jungkook is being leaned gently against the door, feeling hand in back pocket and soon after hearing a sound of keys. that made him open eyes finally more wider, snapping out of his dream to notice finally who was dragging him here the whole way when he was basically asleep.

"tae" jungkook whispers, blushing a little embarrassed while putting hand on taes cheek who smiles at him "shhh, we are almost there. don't fall asleep again" taehyung said, opening the door to jks dormitory just to gently help him walk inside. jungkook was losing balance easily so it wasn't a really easy situation for both of them, mostly taehyung, but he didn't care. he left jungkook alone on the party where he invited him and almost got raped because of it. it felt like it was tae's fault and he will make sure he's gonna fix it.

"I forgot to eat, again" jungkook whispers when taehyung closes door after them, he turns around saying "oh jungkook, I'll make you something good, alright? just please come on, you are safe now" making jungkook almost melt he's such a ahmmmmm "oh tae, you really are-" he tries to take a step closer but lost balance once again almost falling on the ground but taehyung luckily catched him "okay boy, we will talk tomorrow. now come on, you have to go to bed" taehyung says worriedly, running palms through jks hair who sighs lovely almost purring.

"you're so nice to me when we are alone, so kind and sweet" jungkook says with a lost from happiness smile at saying his taehyung caring about him so well and actually coming to that damn party for him "If you weren't such a asshole to me before I would definitely have a crush on you from the first moments of college, you are so handsome" jungkook adds making taehyung smile "I see, sorry for that asshole part but right now come on. you really need to get some sleep kook"

"wait" jungkook said quickly when taehyung was about to pull him closer towards to bed "I-I want to thank you somehow for everything, for what happened" the elder furrows confused at jks sudden words "what?", "please, let me" jungkook whisper while putting hand on taes zipper who confused looks up at him now getting what the younger means by it and that was the last thing taehyung would expect from jungkook to say right now in that not really romantic moment  "kook, you don't have to"

"but I want to, I do hyung" jungkook says innocent "you are drunk, you should be sleeping" taehyung says back "I don't care" jungkook is quick to kneel in front of taehyung, grabbing his belt "let me give you some pleasure" jungkook says, opening taes pants while looking up at taehyung who bite lower lip at feeling jks cold hands onto his uncovered skin, his underwear was still there but when jungkook tried to take it off taehyung had to stop it before it's too late.

not being sure about it at all taehyung also kneeled, stopping the younger from the action knowing damn well that jungkook is drunk and that's the only reason he's doing it "no, stop this. I don't need you to thank me this way, or any way. please let's get you in some comfy clothes and go to sleep, jungkook..."

suddenly taehyung notices tears in jks eyes, who was looking at his chest embarrassed looking like a hurt child "hey, what's wrong?" taehyung puts hand on jks cheek who quietly whispers as If scared of something "I'm pathetic", "what? what are you talking about, you aren't. don't say such a things" taehyung quickly says, worried about the younger who meets his eyes. they held so much pain, so much fear. my god, what would taehyung do to change it...

"h-he wanted to do b-bad things to me, right? that g-guy from the p-party?" jungkook asked, voice shaking making taehyung with lips in line unfortunately nods, jungkook also nods embarrassed of himself, chuckling a little at the way he feels so stupid how it must to look for taehyung? fuck,  fucking whore "you know that, I went outside with him only because I wanted to forget about you right? to make you somehow jealous... he wasn't even in my type except being tall brunet like you, that's why he reminded me a little of you a-and I thought maybe..." jungkook started making the elder title head to the side.

"I got drunk because I wanted somehow get away from that damn feelings I have for you, I don't know I feel so stupid for liking a guy like you because fuck you are such a asshole sometimes that earlier I couldn't stand and now I'm so crazy about and that's just so crazy because I know how our relations should work a-and I don't- don't know what's happening to me I really can't do this anymore, I'm so sorry taehyung I just can't keep going this way" taehyung at hearing these words feels how his heart started beating somehow faster, harder.

"I like you, taehyung" jungkook whispers, putting hand onto taes chest who breaths out "I really want to be in relationship with you but I know you don't want this, you don't want anything obligated. I know, I'm so sorry but I can't keep going that way. I really needed to tell you this because... maybe you also like me a little..." jungkook said, tears running down onto his face slowly while taehyung didn't know what to say still remain silent. that made the youngers heart broke oh no, I know that look

"I'm sorry, you can forget what I said but at least I feel clean with my feelings and I don't regret anything" jungkook said, still no answer from taehyung and that made jungkook looks down "you can go, I'm fine now. I can get myself to bed thank you for saving me. I'm really thankful for it, forget what I said I know you never liked me this way as I do and never wanted the same thing, it's fine. I'm sorry for breaking the rules and everything, please go-"

suddenly jungkook is being cut off by taes lips.

jungkook at first in shock froze but seconds later kisses back, gently running palms through taes hair who kissed him so passionately, and so gently that it made his cheeks turn red in just one second. the whole scene suddenly felt like the most romantic shit someone could ever see, and what's more important how jungkook wanted it look like. it felt so good, so nice to finally be able to kiss a person knowing that he feels the same way as you. at least jungkook hopes that taehyung does but what would the kiss mean if not it?

"I like you too, jungkook. I always have" taehyung whispered against jks lips who's eyes got even more teary, starting to snob while throwing himself at taehyung, kissing his lips. "I'm so happy with you, tae. I'm so happy" jungkook cries out against taes lips with wrapped arms around his neck while taehyung was hugging his waist even tighter, smiling at the younger while kissing his red, cherry lips which he wished to kiss for the rest of their life's. 

thank you for over 1,8k 👁️ THATS CRAZY I love you all... so much 🥺🥺


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heeeeeey, well ENJOY NEW CHAAAAAAPTER. I really love that book, it's so emotional I can't even explain 😭 loved it from the very first idea in my smutty head and here we are😎 love you for being here with me always, thank you because wow guys you are incredible!!!! I purple uuuu 🤍

- idk what to say even at this point, I miss taekook so much... SOOO MUCH 😭😭😭


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see ya

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