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"Well don't leave him on read!" Wooyoung shouted.

Yunho had no clue what to say so he, yet again, typed out the first thing that came to mind.

'Is this a joke??'

Mingis response was almost immediate this time,

'What? You called me daddy first'

'How was I supposed to know
you'd respond?!'

'It's my phone, why wouldn't I?'

'So you respond to every DM you get?
Yeah right'

'Of course not, but you're cute
so I figured why not?'

Yunho and Wooyoung, who was reading the conversation, screamed simultaneously, as Yunho, yet again, threw his phone across the room, leaving Wooyoung to roll his eyes as the taller went and picked it up.

"Seems like he has good taste in men." Wooyoung smirked.

"Shut up Woo!"

"What do you mean! Song Mingi called you cute, I'll never shut up about this!"


"What the hell did you just keyboard smash in real life??" Yunho first looked at his phone then screamed, almost throwing it again. With a shaky hand, he held it up to his ear, only to be met with a deep chuckle, driving his even more crazy, if possible. Wooyoungs mouth dropped as he realized the situation.

"You really are cute. Do you like me that much?"

"S-stop please." Mingi could practically hear the pout from the other side of the phone.

"Stop what? You started this babyboy."

"A-are you even allowed to talk to me?"

"Of course I am, I told you, it's my phone."

"But you're an idol!"

"I'm still my own person yuyu."

"Why would you talk to me anywa-YUYU?!"

"Yeah? That's what your profile say at least." Upon hearing that Mingi had been on his profile, he realized another thing.

"So you actually think I'm cute??"

"I wouldn't say it otherwise. You should post your face more often."

"Oh my gosh STOPPPPPP!!"

"Especially adorable when you're shy."

"Wooyoung save meeeeeeee!" He ran into his best friends arms, fake crying as Mingi chuckled again.

"So, do you have a name or should I keep calling you yuyu?"

"M-my name is Yunho, but-"

"Yunho? Wow, that's an incredible name..I think imma stick with yuyu though."

"Nooooo pleaseee!"

"So, yuyu, when are you free? I wanna take you out?" The boy froze in place, unable to comprehend those words. Unluckily for him, Wooyoung heard, and started freaking out in his place.


"Could you tell your friend to be quiet please? I'm trying to get a date."

"M-Mingi why-why would you wanna go on a date with me? Saying I'm cute doesn't count."

"Well honestly, you just seem super sweet, like, from your posts, and I like how you said something first, but are now shy about it."

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