~movie night~

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"Oh, and Wooyoung said he was bringing San, maybe you could invite the married couple and their son." Yunho joked, talking about Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Jongho. He was on the phone with Mingi, and the two were planning out their movie night, which was taking place in just a few hours.

"Ahh, sadly they're busy. As in, Hongjoong is busy and Seonghwa is mad at him for being busy."

"I seeee, then could you bring Jongho? I wanna see Yeosangs reaction." He giggled evilly to himself, making Mingi smile on the other side of the phone.

"Sure, he'll be there."

"Okay thank youuuu!! I'm going to the store now, love youuu, byeeee."

"Love you too baby, see you soon."

Then they hung up so Yunho could go to the store to get the necessities, those being ice cream, oreos, and popcorn of course.

By the time the guests were supposed to be arriving (just woosan, Mingi and Jongho), Yeosang was already suspicious of Yunho, from how he was acting. Both him and Wooyoung knew about how much he liked Jongho, even if he didn't stan Ateez (he did he just pretended not to bc he felt embarrassed about it), but Yunho was being too obvious about his plan to get them to talk.

Finally, Wooyoung and San arrived, hair and clothes disheveled, Wooyoungs lips plump and red as he limped ever so slightly into the apartment, so much so you wouldn't be able to notice if you weren't paying close attention. San was clinging onto him, admiring his state, while Yeosang and Yunho stared disgusted.

"You could have just decided not to come if you had plans."

"We didn't plan it." San told them, smirking at the younger, who just blushed.

"It's not my fault." He mumbled.

"Yes it is, you were acting up, I had to teach you a lesson."

"Okayyyyy enough of thattttt, Mingi said he's on his way." Yunho said quickly, not wanting to hear anymore about woosans kinks, "So everyone get settled and pick a movie, I'll grab the snacks."

They nodded, and San helped Wooyoung walk to the big chair even if he was perfectly capable, the older sitting down first and pulling his boyfriend on his lap. Yeosang also sat down on the far corner of the couch, knowing Yunho and Mingi would be snuggled up on the opposite side. He snuggled up with a blanket, taking it upon himself to grab the remote and start searching through Netflix, in hopes there would actually be something watchable.

Soon, there was another knock at the door, and Yunho quickly opened it, first hugging his boyfriend, and pecking his lips shyly, before looking behind him to see Jongho, who he only smiled at.

Yeosang absolutely froze when he heard the most incredible voice ever say, "Hi hyung." Even so, he thought that there was no way it was Jongho at the door. But then again, it was very likely, seeing as how both San and Mingi were already there and had been multiple times before.

"Hey Jongie. You and Mingi go take a seat, I'll bring the snacks in."

"Let me help you baby."

"No thank you, I need you to go save us a seat on the couch." And that's when Yeosang knew. Yunho had planned to get Jongho to sit next to him. He so desperately wanted to get out of the situation, maybe by running off to his room and pretending to sleep early or something, but it was too late, Jongho already walked over, and Yeosang just about fainted, seeing him in all his glory, just a few feet away.

Luckily he didn't, but he may as well have, because Jongho caught him staring, and he smiled, raising an eyebrow. Yeosangs cheeks immediately started heating up, as he bit his lip nervously, looking anywhere but at Jongho.

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