~i love you~

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Almost every day since then, he requested to see Yunho. He texted and called him, visited his apartment, even tried to talk to San, but no matter what, Wooyoung wouldn't let him get near his boyfriend.

Yunho was honestly in so much pain. He hardly did any school, hardly even got out of bed. At points, he asked himself if he was being too dramatic, but he really missed Mingi so much.

Even so, he convinced himself it was for the better, it was for Mingi.

Mingi, himself, wasn't doing much better. He skipped whatever parts of his schedule he could, and hardly slept. Most the night was spent writing lyrics.

When he first met Yunho, he'd started on a love song, but it had taken a turn since then. It became a bit more solemn, which wasn't that much of a surprise if you knew who it was for.

Almost an entire month later, one of agony and hurt, Mingi finally released his song. It portrayed his exact feelings from the beginning of his relationship to now, starting sweet, but ending broken.

Fans immediately went insane over it, though when Yunho listened to it, all he felt was more pain.

Early the morning after the song was released, Mingi found himself running out the door and towards Yunhos house. He couldn't wait any longer, he couldn't handle being without Yunho. Honestly he didn't even know what he did wrong that day his boyfriend ran away from him, because things were fine one minute and the next, he's being told not to even talk to him.

By the time he made it to his apartment, he knocked on the door louder than he intended to. He was determined to get in and talk to Yunho, even if Wooyoung didn't want him to. But, to his surprise, Yeosang was the one to open the door, looking annoyed for a moment before his jaw dropped.

Yes, he knew about most the stuff that was going on between them, though he didn't know what happened to make Yunho so depressed, but it was still shocking to open the door and see Song Mingi standing right there.

"Can I see Yunho, please?" He didn't realize himself that tears were falling, all he cared about was getting to his boyfriend, if they were even boyfriends anymore.

"I-I don't know..he doesn't really wanna see anyone right now."

"Please, Yeosang, I'm begging you. I need to see him."

"Uh...I-I guess...just be quick..Wooyoung will be back soon." He moved out of the way, and Mingi quickly rushed past him and towards Yunhos room. For a moment, he stood in front of it, wondering if he should knock, but the moment he heard the others soft cries, he barged in.

Yunho looked up, his headphones still in as he'd been listening to Mingis song on repeat. But there moment he saw who it was in his doorway, he started sobbing loudly, hiding his face in his hands. Mingi rushed to him, pulling him into a hug. For a moment, the other resisted, but soon couldn't anymore, which resulted in him lying in his arms, crying in the crook of his neck.

Mingi, instead of trying to calm him down, just let him cry it all out, knowing it's better that way.

Eventually, his sobs reduced to tears and sniffles, as he clung into Mingis shirt, not knowing what to do because he told himself he wouldn't talk to Mingi anymore.

"Yunho~" He whispered softly, but he got no answer, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for whatever I did. I don't know what happened to make you run away from me that day, but I'm sorry. If you tell me what it is, I promise I'll never do it again just-just please..please come back to me. I-I love you so much and I need you." At this point, he was crying as well, waiting as Yunho took in everything he said.

"Y-you didn't do anything..." He came up to face the other, seeing the look of confusion on his face, "it's just..Mingi, you-..I-I'm not right for you. I'm just...I'm just a fan. And I have no right to be anything more."

"What do you mean?! Yunho it doesn't matter to me that you're a fan. Even if you weren't I'd have fallen in love with you. And I already am." Upon seeing his lip quiver, he lowered his tone, speaking more softly.

"I don't care about anything else right now, Yunho. All that matters to me is you. I love you, and if you love me too, that's all I need to be with you."

"I....I do...I love you Mingi.." The two made eye contact, and slowly leaned in for a gentle kiss, one that conveyed some of the emotions they'd been wanting to show each other for a long time. As they pulled away, they connected their foreheads, smiling to each other.

"God I missed you." Mingi said, sighing happily at the fact he was back with his boyfriend.

"Me too..I'm sorry I left like that." He pouted, but Mingi only pecked it away.

"Don't be sorry yuyu..but I am curious, what made you do that? We were doing great, but then I ended the interview and was told you ran out."

"Oh...yeah..so.." He told the story of what happened with Hyunki, getting nervous when he saw his eyes darken.

"How dare she?! You're literally perfection, what right does her rat face have to tell you otherwise?!"

"Calm down Mingiii, it's fineee."

"No it's not! Baby I know that you let what she said get to you, and it's entirely not okay that she would say something like that to the smartest, cutest, hottest boy I know. I'm yours, you're mine, and I couldn't care less for that bitch! There's nothing about you I don't love, and there's nothing about her I even like. Especially after she said something like that to my baby. Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets what she deserves."

"Mingiii I'm not worth thattt."

"Sorry? No one talks bad about my boyfriend, not even you. I'm gonna need an apology, please."

"Sorry..." Yunho mumbled.

"Not to me, to my boyfriend. He's the sweetest, sexiest, most adorable, most talented person I know, and I want everyone else to know that too."

"But M-"

"Yu baby, I just want you to understand how important you are. There's no point in looking down on yourself, not when 'yourself' is as incredible as this. I know it's not easy, but I'll be here by your side the whole time, and soon, you'll see how amazing you are." Yunho was a blushing mess at that point, but he quietly accepted, more than happy.

"Thank you Mingi..I love you."

"I love you too baby." He placed a kiss on Yunhos forehead, then wrapped him into a hug yet again.

Mingi was determined to keep Yunho with him. His love for him was more than he'd ever felt, and it was true when he said he needed him.

And Yunho needed Mingi just as much, that was clear.

Kekskodmkandkend I told you I can't handle angst!!!!!

That's why I solved it so quickly heh

Umm soooo this was gonna be the end, but I wanna do the other ships, like an ending for woosan, jongsang, and Seongjoong, plus an extra spicy scene😏

But the updates will be slower than most of these have been because I don't have hardly anything prewritten this time sooooooo yeah

Anygaysss thank you so much for the comments and love!

Bye everyoneeee <333333333

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