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Smut warning! Read until this emoji 🔞 it will say when the smut starts. Then look for this emoji ☁️ it will tell you when the smut ends, which is important cuz there is very important stuff happening afterwards
Also btw the smut is a little rushed but i hope it's not too bad

"Bye sangie, I'll see you later!" Yunho yelled to his roommate from the door as he slipped on his shoes.

"You may as well live at Mingis with how much you see him." He responded, walking out of the kitchen.

"I still pay half the rent so you don't get to complain."

"I'm not complaining...I just miss you.." Yeosang mumbled, not intending on being heard, but Yunho easily caught it. So he quickly came over and gave him a hug.

"We'll hang out again soon, I promise. You can invite Wooyoung if your lonely, I'll be back tomorrow."

"I-I'm not lonely." Yunho only chuckled and hugged him again, then left the house. And yes, Yeosang ended up calling Wooyoung over, and the two complained about Yunho being with his boyfriend all the time (I do that with my sister. She forgot about me ever since she started dating that guy), though Wooyoung was with San just as much, it was just less noticeable as they didn't live together.

Yunho made his way over to Mingis happily, having been excited ever since he was invited over. Actually, just about ten minutes earlier, he was on the phone with him, whining about how hard school was that day, when Mingi suddenly asked if he wanted to come cuddle, because cuddling helps relieve stress of course.

Usually, he'd take a good while getting ready, but he didn't feel like dressing up, especially after getting out of his school clothes already, and he knew Mingi wouldn't make fun of him. So he left the house in his plaid pajama pants and Ateez hoodie (my go-to outfit ngl).

As soon as he knocked on the door, it was swung open by none other than his boyfriend, who quickly pulled him into a hug, making him giggle.

"I missed you baby." He let out, holding tighter.

"You saw me yesterday Minki." Yunho replied, caressing his hair gently.

"So?" Without giving him time to say anything, Mingi lifted him up and brought him inside, shutting the door and making his way to his bedroom. He laid Yunho down on the bed, making him blush as he thought of a scenario he probably shouldn't have, before climbing on beside him, pulling him by his waist to snuggle closer.

"You're such a baby sometimes." Yunho told him, chuckling softly as he yet again caressed Mingis hair.

"I'm not the baby, you are."


"Says the one cuddling me to death!" In one quick movement, Mingi had Yunhos hands pinned above his head as he looked down at him, a glint in his eyes that Yunho had never seen before.

"What did you want me to do instead?" The boy could feel his cheeks growing pink as he struggled to come up with an answer, avoiding eye contact. But Mingi was quick to grab his chin with his free hand, making him stare directly at him. "I need an answer baby."

"Y-y-I-I don't know h-how to res-pond t-to that." He managed to stutter out.

"Easy. Do you want to keep cuddling, or do you want..something else."

In all honestly, Yunho didn't know what he wanted. On one hand, Mingi was really fucking hot right then and he could feel his pants tighten slightly. But then again, they'd never really gone that far. As in, all he'd ever done was give the other a blowjob, nothing more.

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