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"Ahh, sadly they're busy. As in, Hongjoong is busy and Seonghwa is mad at him for being busy."

Curious? Well, these are the words Mingi told Yunho the day he offered to bring the eldests of Ateez to his movie night.

It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, though. Hongjoong was often busy, and Seonghwa would be upset at him and lonely because of it, so he'd go hang out with San, which in turn made Hongjoong upset and lonely. See the problem?

This was one of these days. Hongjoong hadn't been out of the studio since the previous weekend, but the only difference was, San was out with Wooyoung, and had plans to head to Yunhos dorm afterwards. Of course Mingi and Jongho weren't home either, just his luck, so he just had to be lonely all alone (iykyk).

Because he was alone with his mind, then he unpurposefully let himself get mad at Hongjoong for every single thing possible, which he always seemed to be able to do when he was upset. Whether it was something from a few years ago, or the smallest thing he'd done recently, Seonghwa remembered it all, and grew to be more and more angry at him.

Eventually, he got sick of his own thoughts, so he stormed out of the dorm and headed towards the leaders studio, set on expressing his frustrations and getting him back home because in all honesty, he just missed him. He missed his cuddles, he missed their late night conversations, he missed cooking meals for him, he missed their pointless little arguments that couldn't last more than ten minutes before they were in tears and in each other's arms.

The moment he reached the studio, he barged in, not bothering to knock, and Hongjoong was quick to turn to him, trying to wipe away the tears that were continuously falling from his tired, red eyes, that alone making it seem like he hadn't slept in days.

All of Seonghwas anger disappeared as he ran to the younger, catching his face in his hands and wiping the tears off his face while he asked if he was okay. But all Hongjoong could do was stand up and hug him, still sobbing as if it was the first time in years he'd let out his emotions. And Seonghwa just let him get it all out, holding tight to him as he tried not to cry himself, hating it when the one he loved was sad.

After a few minutes, his sobs reduced to little sniffles as he pulled away and looked up at Seonghwa with the most adorable yet heart shattering pout and eyes he'd ever seen.

"H-Hwa..why-why can't I do it? A-am I not good enough?" Though Seonghwa didn't know what he was talking about, he was quick to reassure him.

"Don't say that about yourself Joongie, you're the most incredible person I've ever met! Why would you ever think that?"

"I-I just can't do anything right! Jongho and Mingi are upset with me, I can't figure out what's wrong with this track, I can't think of any lyrics, and worst of all, you're mad at me too!" He started crying again after letting out all his frustrations, allowing Seonghwas hug even if he felt bad for it.

Not long after, when he'd calmed down once again, Seonghwa spoke, still holding him close.

"I could never be mad at you Joong, you know that." The smaller looked up at him.

"You promise?"

"I swear. Now do you wanna talk about all this?" Hongjoong sniffled silently, but hesitantly brought Seonghwa to sit down on the couch in his studio, sighing nervously. Seeing his state, Seonghwa was quick to pull him onto his lap, letting him rest his head on his chest as he tried to find the words to say. No doubt he was flustered, but it felt nice for both of them.

"J-just...I-..I've had this..I don't know like writers block? Not that, but you know what I mean?" Seonghwa nodded, "I can't seem to come up with any lyrics, and all my tracks just sound off, but I can't figure out why." His lip quivered, and he bit it to stop from crying.

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