~not you too~

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Before the two knew it, they were cuddling in the grass, watching as the last bit of light fell from the sky.

When dark fell, and small stars started dotting the area, Mingi stood up, and helped Yunho to do the same.

"We'd better get you back home, you have morning classes tomorrow." He pouted, but agreed nonetheless, getting a peck from Mingi to make his pout disappear.

"What will you be doing?" Yunho asked on the walk towards his apartment.

"Working on some lyrics, for the most part."

"Lyrics? Are you writing a song? Can I hear it??"

"Calm down baby. Yes, of course you can hear it, when it's finished."


"It isn't ready for anyone yet yuyu."

"But I'm your boyfriend...."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry baby." He leaned over and gave him a big smooch on the cheek, smiling at the way Yunho wiped off the saliva with a disgusted face.

"Yahhhhhhh!" The taller whined, but blushed nonetheless.

"Aish, you're so cute."

It didn't take long for the company to find out about Mingi, but he was able to get past it and stay with Yunho. On top of that, the boy managed to get into a lot of exclusive events. Not that he tried to go to every fan sign, he wanted to give others a chance, but Mingi made sure he was always there, no matter how much Yunho denied. He just wanted to see his boyfriend!

Yunho was also introduced to the members, who were kind but suspicious of him at first. Soon enough, though, they became quite comfortable, and having Yunho around was like having another member in the dorm, which they enjoyed very much.

"Alright I'll see you later." Yunho said to Wooyoung, starting to turn onto a street, but he was pulled back.

"Where the hell are you going? Our apartment is this way." He pointed in the direction they were originally headed.

"I told you woo, I'm going to see Mingi."

"What?? He lives this close to us?!"


"And you never told me?!!"

"I'm sorryyyyy I just didn't think about ittt!"

Yes, Wooyoungs anger was still as fake as ever, but his jealousy was not. He wanted, more than anything, to be able to meet San. Being his boyfriend would have been nice too but just having a single conversation with him would have been enough to keep him happy for years.

And Yunho could tell how much this was effecting him, they'd been best friends for years, it was obvious.

"Do you wanna come with me?"

His offer made the younger whip his head around, making eye contact.

"Are you serious?!" He nodded, "IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION?!" Wooyoung excitedly grabbed his arm and headed down the street, forgetting to ask for directions.

They eventually made it to the apartment, and only then did Wooyoung realize how nervous he was. But it was too late, as Yunho knocked on the door.

San was on the other side, smiling when he saw it was Yunho, and opening the door. The last thing he expected was to find the most adorable ball of cuteness right beside Mingis boyfriend, about half his size (pretty much lol). He couldn't find it in him to take his eyes off the boy, not really paying attention to Yunhos existence.

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