~i do~

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Mingi watched with a fond expression as Gunho, Yunhos little brother, walked down the aisle carefully letting white rose petals fall to the floor. He thought back to all those conversations him and Yunho had, what type of wedding they wanted, who would be there, what they'd do.

Both of them were so stressed out, so nervous, but watching the young boy smile at the few guests as he passed by, he knew it was going to be perfect. So long as Yunho was apart of it, it would go just as it should.

Yunho always wanted a traditional wedding, a nice but not too large venue with white and blue decorating the area, the perfect walk down the aisle with his dad, and of course the after party. As for Mingi, who never thought much about it, input some opinions but mostly let the other do as he pleased, trying to help calm his nerves when it got too much.

It was adorable, he remembered, when he had just come back from suit shopping, immediately climbing into his lap and snuggling up. Mingis older brother walked in soon after, having gone with him, and told him what happened. Apparently, Yunho was afraid he was being too rude to the tailor, he thought he was getting 'bridezilla'. Of course, the other assured that he was far from it, but Mingi let his fiancé fall asleep in his arms anyways, reassuring when he woke.

Gunho, despite being a young teenager and a boy, really wanted to be the flower boy, and who were they to deny? He did it perfectly, in his all white suit with flowers decorating the top, not to mention the flower crown in his hair to match. When he reached the altar, he was ushered to sit beside his mother, but not before giving Mingi the widest, cutest braces smile he'd ever seen.

Following down the aisle was Wooyoung and San, arms linked together as they smiled at each other and Mingi, parting ways with a quick kiss and going on either side of the male. When Jongho and Yeosang walked down after, his anxiety worsened, the pit in his stomach so painful he wanted to hurl, but he kept composure. They also parted, smiling encouragingly at him.

Afterwards, the already married couple, Seonghwa and Hongjoong, made their way towards Mingi, and he knew they were last to go, everything was throbbing, his vision was hazy, he could hardly hear the live music.

But then, they parted, and the entire room disappeared. All he could see was Yunho, looking back at him with a smile just as nervous as his own, but just as loving as it ever would be. He walked on, arms linked with his fathers, a pure white suit fitting his figure, black hair done back. All his anxiety melted away, replaced with complete adoration. Of course, why did he think there was anything to worry about in the first place? Before him was the man he was entirely in love with, with his whole being.

They walked closer slowly, to the beat of the music, and not once did they break eye contact. When Yunho finally reached the altar, he turned to his side and gently kissed his dads cheek, before letting go of his arm and walking towards Mingi with hopeful eyes. The moment he was close enough, Mingi held out his hand, guiding him up and taking both of his when he was just across from them.

The priest began his speech, the same one Yunho always remembered never paying much attention, but suddenly every word said brought him closer to tears. It almost didn't feel real, like it was some sort of dream. But it was, Mingi was right there, reciting his vows with a loving smile and watery eyes.

When it came time for his own vows, he took out a slip of paper from inside his suit jacket. He knew the words by heart, yes, but he knew he'd burst into tears if he didn't have something to look at other than those eyes, and he wouldn't be able to get a word in.

Every time he glanced up, Mingi was still looking at him, and his voice was wavering. When he made it through the entire thing, he had to look up to stop the tears from falling as the priest asked to bring the rings forward.

Wooyoung stepped forward from behind Yunho, San from behind Mingi, the two presenting beautiful, pure silver bands with turquoise encrusted into them, a gem the two chose out of its meaning, youth.

Mingi itched to put the ring on his finger, as though it would complete their matrimony, even if they didn't need anything but their love to do so. As the priest said for Yunho to present his ring, he readied it on the tip of the youngers finger, smiling at him though his lip was quivering, and finally, he pushed it on, fighting back a sob. Being told, Mingi followed, waiting until the blessing was finished before he gently slid it down his finger, both of his hands squeezing the one in their hold, then taking the other and running his thumbs over Yunhos knuckles.

"Do you, Song Mingi, take Jeong Yunho as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

He stared into Yunhos eyes, sure that they held the same look as his, pure love. "I do."

"And do you, Jeong Yunho, take Song Mingi as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The promise was more than just a few phrases, it meant everything to the couple. And both would hold themselves accountable to every single word.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you, husband and husband, you may kiss the groom."

The room erupted in cheers when Mingi grabbed Yunhos waist and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, slightly dipping him, but they drowned everything out, it was only them in that moment, them and their never ending love for each other.

It was perfect, just as they knew it would be, perfect because they were together, now and forever.

The end for the third time? Uhmmmmm so someone requested this a long time ago, I'll say who in the comments cuz it never works otherwise, but yeah I'm so sorry it took this long

I'm so bad at writing marriages but I tried heh...I hope it was satisfactory

And thank you for the love I've received from this book, it's incredible how many people have read it and I'm grateful for every single one of you

Bye everyoneeeeeeee<33333

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