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That nickname was enough to make his knees wobble, and Mingi immediately noticed how much he was shaking. "That nervous to see me?"

"How could I not be?" Yunho pouted, and Mingis heart did a million backflips, finally being able to see that. Not expecting nor planning it himself, he pulled the cute boy into a hug.

"You're just so adorable!" He said, pulling away just to give him a light peck on the nose, which made the boys cheeks and ears become a deep red within seconds. All he could do was give Mingi doe eyes, obviously going absolutely insane in his mind because who wouldn't?

Imagine your favorite idol in the whole entire world (I cannot lie, mine is Jongho, mah bby bear). Okay, now imagine then showing up at your house and hugging you, and giving you a kiss on the nose. If you're not mentally going insane, it's because you already are.

"Okay okay, let's go on our date now."

"Mingiiiiii." He fake cried, still shy as all hell, Mingi not helping much.

"I'm sorryyyyyy you're just too cuteeeee." With that, he slid his hand into the others, as the two made their way down the stairs. By the time they were exiting the building, Mingi had a mask and cap on, not wanting to be seen by anyone who might out him on his date. He also gave Yunho a hat, but not a mask, because he didn't need one as much, plus he wanted to be able to 'see his yuyus beautiful face'. (So would I, if I actually had the chance)

Yunho expected them to get into a car or something, but instead, the two started walking down the street, hand in hand.



"Did you not bring a car here?"

"Oh! Actually, nope. I was surprised when you gave me your address, cause you live really close to me."


"Yep, I live in the Monarch apartment complex a few blocks down, with the others of course."

"So you're telling me I've lived within walking distance from my idol this whole time?! Why have I never seen you??

"Cause I can't go out much, not allowed."

"Why not?"

"You know I don't have a lot of freedom yuyu."

"Well yeah but still, you can't even leave your apartment?"

"I can sometimes, but there's never much need to, since Seonghwa hyung usually buys us groceries and we aren't home often enough to go out for entertainment purposes."

Yunho took in what he said, becoming sad knowing that someone he loves was taken away the right to even leave their house. Without thinking, he pulled Mingi into a hug, holding on tight, making him smile.

When he pulled away, Mingi held his soft cheek, rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

"Thank you, Yunho." He whispered, honestly thankful, as it was true, he really needed a hug right then.

The two kept talking, while walking, Mingi making Yunho blush more than just occasionally. Sometimes it was because he really liked seeing him shy, other times it was unpurposeful.

By the end of the night, Yunho had become a lot more comfortable, though he'd still get nervous in certain moments.

Mingi was dropping him off at his door, both yawning as it was much past their bedtime.

"Good night yuyu, thanks for coming with me."

"Thank you for taking me, I had a lot of fun..."

Just as he was about to shut the door, Mingi stopped him.



"I-I know it's soon but I just wanted to tell you that..I really like you, like..a lot." Both their faces flushed a deep red as Yunho tried to form a response.

"M-me too...b-" Before he could get another word out, Mingi leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips, smiling softly when he pulled away.

"I-I'll head home now." With that, he rushed down the hall, his heart beating fast, though no where near as fast as Yunhos.

"Uhhh Yunho? What're you doing?" The boy whipped around upon hearing his roommates tired voice.


"It's three in the morning, why are you at the door, fully dressed?"

"I-I-sorry for waking you." He rushed towards his room, but caught Yeosangs last question.

"You were on a date weren't you?" Without responding, he shut his door, crawling onto his bed, still blushing. Right when he was about to fall asleep, he saw a notification...from Mingi.

'G'night yu baby❤️'

'Good night❤️'

Henhehehehehhehehe I'm sorry I didn't post for so longgggg I didn't even realize it'd been yearssss

Anygays, I hope it's okay

To those of you who read the oneshot, I know it's the same, but just wait a few chapters alrighttttt it'll get betterrrrrr

Bye everyoneeee <3

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