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Warninggggg there will be smut in this chapter, it'll start with these emojis🔞 and end with these ☁️ so just watch out for that if you don't wanna read smut!

Yunho snuggled up against Mingi, the two on the couch in their apartment they got together soon after the public confession, and the older couldn't help but reminisce on that day two years ago.

Things were so much different but so much the same. There was plenty of hate, but enough love to push through, and as of then, the two were happily together.

Woosan came out a year after them, Seongjoong following months later. Yeosang was very hesitant at first, only because of the attention it was sure to bring him, but eventually, he and Jongho did too, and that was only a few months ago.

Feeling grateful to be able to be with him, Yunho snuggled closer, nuzzling into his neck and sighing contentedly.

"What's up Yuyu?"

"Just happy~" Mingi kissed his head gently.

"I'm happy too. Wanna go on a date tomorrow? Preferably somewhere we won't be bombarded with cameras and screams."

"That sounds nice." He giggled out, the two seeming to try and get even closer, though they were about as close as they could be, Yunho choosing to do so by lifting his head up and leaning in for a gentle kiss, his lips tingling lightly the same way they did the first time theirs met.


A gasp made it's way from his mouth to Mingis when he bit his lip, making room for his tongue to slide in and interlock with Yunhos.

He continued to let out muffled noises, Mingi happily swallowing them whilst creating more, creeping a hand into his shirt and smirking at the way he shivered against his cold fingers. His hand continued up until it grazed against his nipple, earning a moan from the sensitive male. After toying with them for a few minutes, many frustrated whines following his actions, he allowed his hand to slide further and further down until it reached his pajama pants, no underwear beneath, him reaching down the backside of it and groping Yunhos ass.

The loud moan caused the two to pull away from their kiss, Mingi reaching even further and teasing his hole, that couldn't help but contract, as if trying to pull in his fingers.

"Patience baby, the lube is in the bedroom."

"D-don't need it, just need you~" Mingi couldn't help but groan at his words, inching a finger in just barely to see how loose he was from a few nights earlier. He was surprised to find that not only was he looser than he expected, but lubed already, and the questioning brow was enough to pull a whimper from Yunho. "S-sorry, I cou-couldn't help myself." Referencing what he'd done in the shower.

"Next time, just leave the needy baby in my hands, I can make you feel so much better than you can yourself."

"I-I know, you weren-weren't home."

In response to that, Mingi lifted him onto his lap, tugging down his pants, soon throwing them to the floor.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll make you feel good now hm?" Yunho nodded, beginning to grind on Mingis half-hard on while letting out impatient moans. The younger was quick to pull his own sweats down and pull his boyfriend in for a kiss much to soft for their current situation.

"N-no prep, y-you can go in already." The reassurance didn't do much to make Mingi any less worried, so just for good measure, he brought Yunho to his knees on the carpet beside the couch.

"Just lube me up a bit love, I don't wanna hurt you any more than I need to."

Yunho blushed but agreed, leaning closer and licking his now leaking tip. His mouth watering at the sight, he took in a bit more, swirling his tongue around it and making sure to slick it up. He continued as much as he could, till it hit the back of his throat and he was unable to suppress a light gag.

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