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The next morning, Mingi woke up to someone banging on his door yet again. He checked the time, and rolled his eyes in annoyance because his schedule didn't start till almost 11, and it was 8.

When he opened the door, he was met with the pissed face of his manager, glaring at him intensely.

"W-what do you need?" He asked, visibly nervous.

"Who was that boy you were with last night?!"


"Mingi, you think the company doesn't pay attention to each and every thing you do? They know it all!"

"So what if I'm hanging out with a friend? What does it matter to the company?!"

"Yeah cause this just screams 'friend'." The manager held up a picture of the two staring at each other with Mingis hand on his face, looking at him as if he's the most beautiful person in the world (he does think so, fairly, and I can't disagree).

Mingi gulped, then took a deep breath.

"Okay fine..I like him."

"Look Mingi, I'm sorry, but you can't go any further with this. It's not my rules, but it's my job to make sure they're followed."

"But hyung-"

"No buts Mingi, you know you're not allowed."

"My song though!"

"What song?"

"I promised the fans, almost two months ago, that I'd write a love song. But I can't do it, because I've never even liked someone before. Please, I swear I'll be quiet about it, but let me go out with him."

"I know you say that, but what if it turns out you like him so much that you don't wanna leave him when it comes time? This is an impossible situation Mingi, I refuse."

"Hyung pleaseeee! I already do like him that much, I can't just stop seeing him."

"Well then you see my point."

"That doesn't change anything though."

"Mingi listen-"

"No, hyung, I'm serious. If you don't let me see him, I'll just have to see him on my own time."

"What're you trying?"

"You know full well what I'm trying."

The manager let out a long sigh, already knowing he'd been defeated. He was only worried about Mingi though. At some point, the company, or the fans, would find out, and when they did, Mingi might already love the boy. That will only make it so much more heartbreaking when he's forced to leave him.


".....fine! Fine! Do what you want, but you better be careful."

"Thank youuuu!" He was quick to hug his manager, but only for a few seconds till he was pushed off.

"Okay, now go back to sleep, you can't be too tired for todays schedule."

Mingi gave him a big smile before nodding and running back to his bed, though it took him a while to fall asleep, just thinking about being able to date Yunho.

Fast forward an entire month, and the two had been seeing each other at least every other day. Sometimes, their meet ups would have to take place late at night, others, they would be able to go on an actual date, though Mingi usually had to wear things that covered him up, just to make sure no one knew.

Yes, they went out a lot, but they never identified as boyfriends, at least not out loud. And they never went further than giving small pecks, both of which Mingi had planned to change as soon as he could.

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