~a whole week~

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"He still hasn't texted meeeeee!" Wooyoung whined to his best friend as he looked at his still black phone screen.

"Youngie, you've been staring holes into that thing since you got here. Calm down for a minute and eat your dang food, it's getting cold."

"But Yunhooooooo, we haven't hung out for a week and I miss himmm! The fact that he didn't text me once today is not helping." Yunho sighed, not blaming him too much since Mingi had just as busy a schedule, though his boyfriend still found plenty of time to text and call him.

"I know, it's alright. I'm sure he'll text you soon, we both know he can't handle going too long without talking to you." Wooyoung finally smiled, making Yunho happy he could cheer up even if only a bit. "Now eat your ramen, I don't have enough money to be wasting food."

"Oh shut up your boyfriend is rich." The younger mumbled before stuffing some ramen in his mouth.

It was late at night and Wooyoung still hadn't received a text from San. They hadn't texted or called since the night before, and not talking to his boyfriend for a whole day? Wooyoung was taking it hard. Harder than he ever thought he would, honestly.

When he woke up, he was still on the couch, the TV stuck on the 'Are you still watching this?', his empty ice cream bowl reminding him of how gross he felt, falling asleep without brushing his teeth or washing up, his cheeks with a few tear stains. It made him mad, crying over San, just because he hadn't texted him. He'd never been this affected by a guy before, and it felt horrible.

Nonetheless, he just missed his boyfriend, more than anything else. The few texts he sent weren't even read, his call unanswered, and it was damn near killing him.

So he brushed his teeth with a pout, which didn't leave his face all day. Yunho did everything he could to cheer him up, but even if he managed to succeed for a minute, if the boy received a text from Mingi, Wooyoung would be upset again, the fact Yunhos boyfriend could spare some time to text him but his couldn't.

When he got back from his classes, which ended around 5pm, he was surprised to see a bag of honey butter chips on the counter, a sticky note attached to them.

Hey baby
I know you must be upset and I'm soooo sorryyyy
Lemme make it up to you?

He unconsciously said "Fine", with a pout on his lips, before reading more.

Wanna head to my dorm first?
There's something there for you
Love you Woo

Wooyoung was quick to gather up all his stuff, taking a small glance in the mirror to be sure he looked okay. He definitely didn't want San to think he was that affected, the idea made him feel almost insecure, and that was a rare feeling for him, but he hated it more than anything.

With that, he ran out the door, speed walking the whole way to his boyfriends dorm.

The moment he got there, he barged in, not bothering to knock. Unluckily enough, standing there in front of him was Mingi, not San, and he couldn't help but feel discouraged, but he didn't wanna seem rude so he faked a smile.

"Hey Mangi-ah." The older chuckled at the nickname, for once not pretending to be upset.

"What's up?"


"You were expecting Sannie, huh? He's not here, I'm sorry, but he left something for you. It's in his room." Wooyoung nodded, thanking him before rushing to Sans room as discreetly as he could.

And, as stated, there was a cute picnic basket on the bed. He rushed over and started looking through it, wide-eyed, finding multiple things like snacks, plushies, a hoodie, hats and jewelry, a new pair of gaming headphones that made him blush (yes, they had cat ears attached), and even some BTS merch, which may have made him squeal in excitement, especially when he saw their Love Yourself album peaking from the stack.

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