~just a fan~

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Hey that's the title of the book!

After about a month, Wooyoung and San started dating, unsurprisingly. But at this point, Atiny, along with other people, were starting to get suspicious.

Mingi happened to have an interview with a female idol, Kim Hyunki, but little did he know, the whole plan was to get a dating rumor between the two, to lessen the rumors going around about Mingi having a boyfriend.

Yunho already didn't like Hyunki, since he had seen their interactions a few times before, and it was clear she had a crush on him. But it's not like he could tell Mingi not to go when he told him about the interview.

Either way, Mingi offered to let Yunho come with, and watch from the sidelines, and he of course said yes, always agreeing to any chance he got to hang out with his boyfriend. Plus he wanted to keep an eye on Hyunki, and make sure she wasn't too flirty. But that was the whole point of the interview, for her to flirt with him, though she was gonna do it anyways.

They arrived at the set, and Mingi immediately went into the dressing room, to get his outfit and makeup all ready. Yunho was patiently waiting in an empty room, talking to some staff. Practically the whole company knew about the two, but they didn't mind. They loved both Yunho and Mingi(who doesn't?), and we're more than happy to keep their secret.

Suddenly, Hyunki barged in, glaring at the staff before growling at them to get out. When they exited the room, she turned to Yunho, who was glaring at her with just as much hatred in his eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" She yelled at him angrily.

"Bitch if you don't know me, that's on you." Yunho shot back, sass clear in his tone.

"Oh I know you, Jeong Yunho." She spoke in a mocking tone, "The little college student trying to steal my Mingi."

"If you didn't know, I already have. Mingi isn't yours, he's mine, and there's nothing your crusty ass can do about it." (I love sassy Yunho)

"Excuse me?! Keep in mind, you're nowhere near my level. You think Mingi could seriously love someone like you? Untalented, disgusting, not to mention ugly. You're just a fan, and you always will be."

This time, he didn't have a response, all he could do was let her words sink in, let them hurt him. His eyes started tearing up, and she smirked.

"Hyunki! The interview is starting." Someone from outside the room yelled.

"Coming!" The girl yelled back sweetly, her tone vastly different from when she turned back and spoke to Yunho. "You're nothing against me, you're nothing to Mingi, get that through your fat head." With that, she walked out of the room, a bright, fake smile plastered on her unattractive features.

The moment she shut the door, water streamed from his eyes and down his cheeks, as he stood up and ran out, ignoring the calls of all the employees there. He ran all the way to a bus stop, immediately getting on the first one that came, not caring where it was going.

As the bus drove, he kept silently crying, thinking about her words. Yunho had always been self conscious, and Mingi was the first one who could help with that, who could truly teach him to love himself. But Hyunkis words made all that love disappear, though he still loved Mingi with everything he had.

That's why he decided then and there that he'd stay away from him at all costs. He deserved someone as amazing as himself, like another idol, like a beautiful woman who could give him all the love he should have.

The boy slowly made his way off the bus, gasping when it drove away, because right in front of him was the beach, the calm waves crashing against the sand, practically beckoning him over. As he walked, more tears fell, though his eyes already hurt from all the crying. He sat on the shore, and finally started sobbing loudly, the sound of the sea drowning out his noises.

When he finally made it back home, Wooyoung was waiting for him, immediately grabbing him, crying a bit as he shook and scolded him.

"How could you go out like that without telling anyone?! You didn't answer your phone, not even Mingi knew where you were!" Upon hearing his name, Yunho started sobbing again, clinging to his best friend like his life depended on it. "Yuyu, what's wrong? What happened? Where did you go?"

"W-woo-" He choked on his tears, not able to say anything more. So the younger helped him to his room, letting him lie down as he tried to calm him down.

Yunho knew if he told Wooyoung his reason for all this, he'd simply get mad at Hyunki, so when he finally had to explain, he wanted to be brief and just hope the other would trust what he said.

"I-I never wanna see M-Mingi again. I-if he comes, don't let him in please."

"What did he do to you Yuyu?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, please Youngie?" He gave his puppy eyes, though Wooyoung was planning on agreeing either way.

"Okay, I won't let him in. You get some rest alright?" Yunho nodded, getting tired because of how late it was and from how much he'd been crying. His best friend stayed by his side, first charging his dead phone, then turning it off to ignore Mingis calls.

At about 1am, both the two were sleeping peacefully, Wooyoung holding Yunhos hand, when there was a constant knocking on the door. Not wanting his best friend to wake up, he headed to the door, only to find Mingi.

"Wooyoung?" He looked just as broken as Yunho, tired, puffy, red eyes, exhausted frame, messy hair. "Where's Yunho? Did he come back? Can I talk to him?"

"Mingi, go home." The smaller replied bluntly.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Yunho doesn't want to talk to you, and frankly, nor do I. So get out before I make you."

"B-but-...at least..is he okay?"

"Physically, yes. Emotionally......just go home." Mingi understood Wooyoung wasn't taking no for an answer, and he would rather have let his baby sleep anyways, so he silently agreed.

As he walked home, he cried, wondering what could have happened to Yunho. Last time he saw him, he was perfectly happy, but the moment the interview ended and he went to talk to him, some staff told him he'd left. At first he was angry, simply because he was sick of Hyunki, but he quickly became worried when Yunho didn't answer his phone. Even more when Wooyoung called him asking where he was.

All he wanted to do was go look for the boy, but his manager wouldn't let him leave because of his packed schedule. That's why he finally came to his apartment so late at night, but he wasn't expecting to be forced out like that.

He was so confused, not knowing what made Yunho run out on him, or why Wooyoung wouldn't was upset with him, but he could only hope that when he visited again, he could get some answers.

I already said this in another story but yeah sorry for not updating for a while

I've been depressed and I don't feel like writing or anything at all tbh

But yeah this part is angstyyyyyy

Like I said ur gonna wanna smack a bitch, I do too

If you don't wanna smack her I guess I'm just not a very good writer🤷🏻‍♀️

Not exactly surprised

Gosh this is a stupidly long a/n

But Yeah

Bye everyoneeee <3

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