Sorting Moody & Tournaments

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"I think we had better get into our robes." Hermione said, "Krystal, you can borrow one of mine for the time being granted the crest is of Gryffindor House."

Krystal smiled and thanked her.

The boys left while Hermione and Krystal quickly got changed into the required school robes.

"They're a little small aren't they?" Krystal asked uncomfortably as she removed the robe because it was too tight and embarrassingly tugged at the skirt trying to make it come down more,

"They aren't too bad." Hermione stated trying to reassure me.

"How do you think I'll get books and robes, or a wand or anything really?" Krystal asked Hermuone suddenly worried that Dumbledore would send her back home.

All Krystal had ever wanted was to receive a Hogwarts letter and attend the famous school. To learn and perform magic, to watch quiddich live and drink butter beer in Hogsmeade. And to think She could possibly be getting it, Krystal couldn't help but smile, even if she was dreaming.

"I'm sure Dumbledore will arrange to have someone take you shopping, you may not have gotten a letter but somehow you're here and that doesn't just happen. Muggles don't know about the platform, you're meant to be here." Hermione said reassuringly.

The boys came back and they started getting their things ready.

"Wow, you look good in Gryffindor robes." Ron said without thinking. Krystal blushed furiously as Hermione smacked him.

After twenty minutes the train started to slow and finally it came to a halt.

The four of them collected their belongings and began to make their way out of the corridor.

Krystal just wanted to hide in the crowd and blend in so no one would notice her provocative school uniform.

But of course everyone was looking at her.

"Just ignore them." Hardy offered her kindly.

But then the same charming boy from the trolley walked straight over to her, "wow..." he sounded before he removed his long robe and gently placed it over her shoulders, "there we are,"

"Thank you." Krystal said as the crowd was growing behind them as everyone was still trying to exit the train, the rain was pouring down as everyone finally got off.

"I wouldn't want to cross the lake in this weather." Hermione stated.

"You can say that again." Krystal agreed promptly as she tried to shield her face from the falling rain.

"Krystal Montgomery." Hagrids booming voice sounded, she turned and held her hand up.

"Here." She sounded unsure

He nodded and smiled at her, "Yer to ride with us."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to suppress their laughter.

"Aw crap." Krystal sighed.

"Well at least you know you were expected to arrive." Harry pointed out.

"Here let me help you." The same boy from before sounded as he held his hand out to her.

Krystal's cheeks burned as she found herself suddenly filling this damsel in distress role, but more so because this boy while very chivalrous and charming was also very very hot.

Krystal nodded and took his hand as they followed Hagrid

Hagrid led them to the boats and pointed out Krystal would have her own boat. The boy easily helped Krystal into the steady boat, "Thank you...again."

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