Part 13

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It is about a 20-minute drive from home to the airport but Karishma has been ready to leave home since she woke up. Her parents are also thrilled to have a guest in their house; especially her mom. She loves Haseena and she wants to make sure that Haseena will have the best time of her life in Maine over the next few days. She even has Karishma to bring a spare coat to the airport just in case Haseena's coat is too thin for Maine.

'Welcome to Maine. The cutest New Yorker!"

That's the sign Haseena sees Karishma holding up when she gets to the arrival area. Karishma is in Haseena's hoodie with her beanie with ear flaps; looking so huggable and adorable. Haseena approaches her with a wheel luggage and her entire soul that needs some comfort.

"Excuse me, miss." Karishma begins trying to look so serious but she can't help it but smile when Haseena is in front of her. "I'm waiting for the cutest New Yorker."

Haseena raises her eyebrows and looks around. "There are like hundreds of them who are cuter than me. What kind of car are you going to pick them up with? A truck?"

"Really?" Karishma  pretends to be disappointed by the news. "Can you introduce me to one?"

"Well." Haseena shrugs. "Yes. Hi, I'm Haseena."

"Wow, you were not this confident." Karishma finally gives Haseena a long warm hug; something Haseena has wanted for a couple days. Haseena didn't realize how much she could miss someone this much until Karishma stands in front of her and gives her a hug. "Do you miss me?"

"I do." Haseena answers to the question but that makes Karishma stun a bit. She is reminded of the mysterious box and the ring inside of it.

"Let's go then." Karishma quickly shifts position. She takes Haseena's another hand and starts to drag her along. "If we have enough time, I'll take you down the cove before the feast."

Karishma , who is looking cute behind the wheel, makes plenty of detours to give Haseena a brief tour around her hometown. She constantly points at this and that and tells a story about it; a story of how she loved to go to this tiny ice cream shop when she was in middle school and she will take Haseena there tomorrow, a story of how she worked part-time as a receptionist at a dentist's office and another one about her high school. The excitement and the enthusiastic that she gives out makes her passenger smile uncontrollably but without any other responses, Karishma stops and looks over.

"You're awfully quiet." Karishma reaches over and caresses Haseena's hair. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Haseena takes her hand and gives a gentle kiss before holding it to her cheek. Karishma is her source of positive energy and she needs her more than ever. "I was just listening to you."

Karishma glances over and makes a decision to park beside the road on their way home. "I'm not going to say okay and let you suffer through whatever it is."

Karishma parks the car, checks the rear-view mirror and unfasten her seatbelt so she can fully turn to Haseena who is in the passenger seat. Haseena moves Karishma 's hair behind her ear and her concern is shown through her eyes. Haseena smiles nervously and rubs her own forehead like she has something to say and words are chosen carefully. Something is up and Karishma  is about to tackle it directly.

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Karishma  whispers as if it was a classified information.

"What?" Haseena almost jumps off her seat by the question. Her head bumps into the ceiling grab handle. Her voice is so high that it pitches off the whole situation. "No."

"No?" Although she is relieved by the answer, she still questions it.

"I mean not now. We haven't even moved... Do you want to get married... now?" Confused Haseena asks and goes into a little panic. Her mind goes into processing mode. She quickly realizes that she shouldn't have asked that question. What if Karishma said yes? She doesn't know if she could go along now or if she wanted to.

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