Part 18

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Zoe looks at Haseena who is struggling to open a bag of her favorite chips with one hand. They are on her couch with a blanket over their legs and a good amount of space between them. With a cup of warm tea in her hand, Zoe is comfortable enough but not entirely. She has never done well with silence and Haseena doesn't help making it any better. Haseena hasn't said anything more than a yes and a no. She just sits here with her broken wrist and missing glasses.

Zoe knows how uncomfortable Haseena is without her glasses so she takes her time and lets Haseena be although it also makes her uncomfortable.

"Would you mind? It still hurts." Haseena finally gives up and hands Zoe the bag. Zoe places her cup of tea carefully on the couch and opens the bag of chips for Haseena. "Thank you."

"So you're stopping by for chips?" Zoe grabs a piece from the bag and hands it back to Haseena. She isn't sure if she minds Haseena showing up unannounced but it's good seeing her again after a while.

"Yes." Haseena chews her chips casually and smiles lightly to show off her dimples. "I'm a bit hungry."

"Okay. Besides that, I guess the first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club?" Zoe sips her warm tea while Haseena rubs her eyes out of a habit. Her eyes are dry and her hands are dirty. Zoe reaches over to hit that hand off Haseena's eye and pushes her face playfully. "Stop doing that."

"It was Kevin's wedding." Haseena starts breaking the silence with a short story.


"We tried The Dirty Dancing lift."

"He dropped you." Zoe immediately knows how the story ends as if she has heard it a million times.

"He dropped me."

"Not surprised." Zoe knows these people rather well as she had spent some time with them. They are always like this; doing things that not necessarily make sense to others. "And now you're mad at Kevin?"

"I'll never be mad at Kevin." Haseena says with her mouth full of chips. She doesn't want to talk about things that bother her. She just wants to sit on this couch with a blanket on her lap, chips in her mouth and Zoe on another end of the couch; judging her. At least, she feels something genuine. "Do you have...?"

"Yes. I have apple juice." Zoe finishes Haseena's sentence although she is pretty sure it's not what Haseena meant to say. She probably wants some coffee. Zoe takes off to the kitchen and grabs a carton of juice out of the refrigerator. Then, her phone rings. "Alice's calling me."

"Tell her I said hi." Haseena doesn't move out of the couch. She is too tired to care about anything now.

"I'll put her on speaker." Zoe hands Haseena the whole carton of juice without a glass although Haseena is looking for it. Haseena knows where the glasses are but her legs are settled so she just drinks from the carton with the intention to finish the whole thing. Zoe sits back down on the couch, stops Haseena from chugging the juice and answers the phone with a speaker on. "Hi, Alice."

"Hi. I know this is weird but is Haseena with you? She hasn't come home and her phone is with me." Alice sounds worried. She is probably at the apartment with everyone. The background voice sounds somewhat hustle. "Well... She is a bit tipsy I would say and... I don't know where else to find her."

"Ah." Zoe looks at Haseena who slowly leans her head on the armrest. "Yes. She's here. She has just arrived and had chips. And just sitting here."

"Okay." Alice responds with a soft sigh. "Can you tell her to come home by noon? She has some med to take then."

"Okay." Haseena responds. "So you have until noon to get rid of people who don't live in our apartment, Alice. Kevin and Maggie can stay. The rest no."

Alice pauses a bit when she hears the respond from Haseena. "Okay."

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