Part 21

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"Hi, Benj."

Haseena greets Ben who is watering some in-door plants by the window where the ray of early spring is shining in. He has been spending a lot more time here since Haseena is about to move out. He has his own drawers and some of his mails are delivered here. Alice and Ben are half-way of moving in together but none of them want to make it official just yet. Haseena is making her way to the kitchen and quickly followed by Ben who has dropped everything just to do so. He is a man on a mission and he needs to accomplish it or his commander in chief will not be pleased.

"Haseena." Ben grabs a seat on a counter stool as Haseena pours herself a cup of coffee. Haseena has recently been promoted to supervising editor. Greg left to work with a bigger company and his last job was to recommend Haseena to replace him and it was successful. Things are going well for Haseena.

"Yes?" Haseena offers Ben a cup of coffee but he shakes his head. "Alice is still sleeping?"

"Yeah. She worked until late last night." Ben taps his fingers on the counter trying to find the right words and gather his courage. "When You bought a ring for Karishma..."

"Hm." Haseena hums and starts to look at Ben suspiciously. She instantly finds it odd for Ben to mention this. She knows where this will lead to. They are good friends but Ben rarely seeks advices concerning his relationship with Alice from Haseena. He has his own group of friends for that. "Why?"

"How did you find out Karishma's ring size? Did you ask her?" Ben asks curiously. He is ready to pay all the attention he has on Haseena's answer and tries his best to not be suspicious.

"Why?" Haseena repeats the question as she puts the coffee cup down, pushes her sleeve up and leans forward against the counter. She just got her cast out last month and determined to not get another one ever again. "Why do you want to know?"

"I... am curious."

"Hm." Haseena finishes her coffee and leaves the cup in the sink. "Alice's is 5. She pins the rings she wants on Pinterest. I have her password if you want."

"How do you know?" Ben repeats his question although the subject of this matter has changed.

"I grew up with her. I know her bra size, Benjamin." Haseena walks back to her room to get her backpack and her bomber jacket. Ben is still waiting there when she comes out. Haseena places her backpack on the couch while she puts her jacket on. Her eyes are on him who desperately wants to know how she knows Karishma's ring size.

"I just compared Karishma's fingers to mine when we held hands."

"Oh. So you guys are the same size?" Ben concludes when Haseena's hand is on the door knob. She is leaving and she needs to leave now if she doesn't want to miss out on fresh bake-bagels from her favorite store.

"Karishma's is 5.5. Mine is 6." Haseena waves Ben good bye and closes the door behind her. "See ya."

As soon as the sound of the closing door goes to silence, Alice steps out of her bedroom. Her phone is in her hand. She has been listening to every word and she is proud that Ben follows her instruction quite strictly.

"She said 6." Ben says as Alice wraps her arm around his shoulder.

"Good job, baby." Alice passes the information forward via text with a grin on her face. "Is she suspicious?"

"Why does Haseena know your ring size but you don't know hers?" Ben questions his girlfriend and immediately knows that it is the wrong question to ask when Alice glares.

"It's Haseena. She secretly knows everything."

"Of course." Ben responds with the best answer he can get so that he can get away with it.

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