Part 20

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"Good morning, mom."

Haseena walks down the stairs and heads into the kitchen where her mom is preparing breakfast. She kicked off new year by spending a night at her hometown although by 'kicking off', it means a few days later. She doesn't have any new year resolutions for this year as she has already seen good things happening.

"Good morning, honey." Noor Jahan puts fried eggs in a plate that are soft enough for Haseena to manage with one good hand. "Will you see Karishma before work?"

Haseena pours herself some coffee and brings her breakfast plate to the dining table where Noor Jahan puts her cup of coffee there already. Some toasts are buttered. One is in Noor Jahan's plate and others are waiting for Haseena to pick them up. "I'm planning to but I told her not to wait up if I'm late."

"I've made some sandwiches for her and her colleagues." Noor Jahan brings a huge paper bag filled with sandwiches to the dining table.

"Where are mine?" Haseena asks with a smile. She loves how her mom already loves Karishma more than her. This is also what happened to Mira. Mom made lunch for Amar; completely forgot to make one for her own daughter. This is mom's way of accepting another family member.

"Ah." Noor Jahan looks left and right. She doesn't have enough sandwich ingredients to make more and she forgot that maybe she should have made her daughter some. "You can grab one from the bag but make sure that Karishma and her friends have enough."

"Okay. Thanks, mom." Haseena chuckles and continues her breakfast. Noor Jahan, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be at ease just yet although she already sips her morning coffee. "Are you alright?"

"I've been thinking." Noor Jahan starts; knowing that the consequence might be bad but since Haseena is in a good mood, maybe it won't be as bad as she thinks. "Your relationship with Karishma..."

Haseena puts her fork down and leans against the backrest while taking her deep breath. Mom is about to throw some knives at her and she needs to prepare herself to either duck them or fight them.

"I love her, honey." Noor Jahan immediately declares when she sees how Haseena's expression changes. "What I'm trying to say is... maybe you should inform your father about this as well."

Haseena sighs with a smile; a polite smile. "No."

"Okay." Noor Jahan quickly accepts her response. She knows that Haseena would give her this answer but she took her chance anyway. "I just thought that since you're marrying Karishma at some point. If that is still your intention. And. He is your father."

"Mom, he died." Haseena says casually as she gets some more egg into her mouth. She combs her hair back with her fingers and raises her eyebrows at Noor Jahan. "Let him."

"Okay." Noor Jahan knows she cannot change Haseena's mind and it is too big of a risk to convince her otherwise. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"You can walk me down the aisle when the time comes."

"Will that be appropriate?" Noor Jahan asks hesitantly.

"Of course." Haseena finishes food in her mouth and puts the sandwich bag in her backpack. "I've thought about everything. You and I will rappel down from a helicopter to the altar."

"Oh, come on." Noor Jahan whines while Haseena chuckles.

"I've got to go." Haseena finishes her coffee and brings the plate and cup to the sink. "Thank you for breakfast, mom."

"Travel safe, honey." Noor Jahan pats Haseena's back after she puts her coat on and grabs her backpack. "Next time, bring Karishma with you."

"Okay." Haseena smiles, gives her mom a kiss good bye and leaves with her heart bigger than ever.

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