Part 15

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Karishma opens her eyes to see Haseena is still asleep next to her. She has one arm under the pillow and another on her waist. Looking at her in so much peace makes her feel so mesmerized. She takes her time looking at every inches of Haseena's face and realizes how deeply in love she is with this person. Karishma carefully caresses Haseena's cheek and that wakes her up. Haseena can barely open her eyes but she manages to put a smile on before anything else.

"Hey." Karishma whispers so low to make sure that it is only Haseena who hears her. She wants them to be in their tiny world; at least for a while.

"Hey." Haseena responds. Still, her eyes can't manage to be fully awake. Her conscious gradually comes to work although it feels like it is stuck in the Monday morning traffic.

Haseena's warm dark hazel eyes and her little adorable dimples are always different with her. Haseena can look at someone else and smile for someone else but when Karishma is there, those things become another level. They are just for her and she loves that.

"I had a very strange dream." Karishma starts with a smile while her hand is still on Haseena's face with her thumb circling on her cheek. "I dreamed that you tried to be cheeky and took me to look at these apartments. I told you I liked the one on 34th and you told me you liked it too. So one morning, I asked you when you would officially ask me to move in. Because it felt very much like that but you just didn't say it out loud."

Haseena chuckles quietly and looks at the girl in front of her with so much love in her eyes.


"Oh." Karishma smirks. "You had the same dream? Weird."

"That place will be ready in Spring and I'll ask you to move in with me in Spring." Haseena kisses Karishma on her forehead and again on her lips. "But for now, I've put another set of keys that I have in your bag so you don't have to knock anymore."

"Keys? Here?" Karishma smiles as she wraps her arms around Haseena's neck in order to hold her closer.

"Yeah. Why?"

"What if I get in and see Alice and Ben having sex on the kitchen floor?"

"You tell them well done."

Karishma giggles and climbs on top of Haseena. She kisses her lips and down to her neck while Haseena holds her so tight as if she would slip away.

"Haseena!" Alice calls from another side of the door.

Karishma freezes on top of Haseena while Haseena's hands are up under Karishma's t-shirt. Alice stops at the door and uses some tool to knock on it: possibly a spoon. "How do I warm up your mac and cheese?"

"Put it in the oven." Haseena responds and quickly shifts her attention back to Karishma. She pulls her in for some more kisses and moves her hands up farther under her t-shirt.

"Dude, I've tried that but it's dry." Alice yells back again.

Haseena pushes herself up with Karishma still on top of her. She is yelling at the door and being so mad at the person who is another side of it. "Add milk. Mix it. Put foil on top. 350. 20 minutes."

"Oh. Got it, chef."

"Where were we?" Haseena wraps her arms around Karishma tighter and throws her on the bed before climbing on top of her.

Haseena is going in for a kiss but Karishma extends her arms out and stops her. "You made mac and cheese?"


"I want some." Karishma quickly pushes Haseena out of her and jumps out of bed. She rushes out of the bedroom door. "Alice, can you make one for me?"

"Oh. Karishma, I didn't know you were in there. Sure." Alice cheerfully says from the kitchen.

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