Part 19

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Karishma walks towards Haseena who is working on her laptop at Karishma's dining table. Haseena looks up with a smile and opens her arms to greet Karishma onto her lap. Karishma has just woken up after her night shift and she still looks a mess; her hair points everywhere although she has tried to comb it with her fingers. However, Haseena still looks at her like she is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world.

"Yes?" Haseena wraps her arms around Karishma who is straddling her like a monkey. The just-woken-up Karishma is the clingiest version of Karishma. "What is it?"

Karishma gives Haseena a kiss and looks into her dark hazel eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." Haseena chuckles and responds. "What is happening? Did I do something wrong? Did you do something wrong?"

"If we had a kid, what would their name be?" Karishma asks; ignoring the series of questions Haseena has thrown at her.

"That's a strange question." Haseena is taken by surprise. This is not a conversation she expects to have out of the blue. "Where is this coming from?"

"Just answer the question."

"A boy or a girl."

"Let's say a girl."

"Okay." Haseena pauses as she tries to find the answer to this strange question. Karishma keeps her eyes on Haseena and plays with Haseena's hair that is made into a simple top knot. "Leia."

"Leia? Like a princess from Star Wars?" Karishma smiles and that makes Haseena smile even wider. This strange question is gradually turning into a spontaneous future-planning session. "You'll name our daughter after a Star Wars character?"

"Well, yes." Haseena tucks Karishma's messy hair behind her ear and gives her a peck on the lips. She could imagine doing this for the rest of her life; waking up to see this pretty face that always makes her heart go wild. "It sounds good. Leia Singh. Leia Karishma Singh."

"Hmm." Karishma hums while wrapping her arms around Haseena's neck and burying her face in the crook of Haseena's neck. She is trying to hide a smile on her face. Haseena doesn't seem to realize what she has done but she has said something that warms Karishma's heart as much as the 'I love you's. "You want our daughter to take my name and my last name also?"

"Yeah. I want her to take everything after you. Your face. Your smile. Your kindness. Your intelligence. Like take your eggs and shovel them in my vjj." Haseena explains with the gestures that Karishma finds both funny and embarrassing.

"Oh. You want to carry the baby?" Karishma asks as she tries to stop Haseena's gesture of shoveling eggs into a vagina.

"If you want. I know you'll be running around. Saving the world. If you want that, I'll do just that for us." Haseena rubs Karishma's back as she still holds on to her. "Where does this question come from?"

Karishma pulls back but still doesn't leave Haseena's lap. "I've got a kid named Kal-El last night. I just want to make sure that our kid is going to have a normal name."

"Leia is a normal name." Haseena stands by her answer.

"Are you ready for your Christmas present?" Karishma tries to change the subject as she bounces off Haseena's lap and heads to the closet for a decent-size rectangle box she has put in one corner. She comes back to sit on Haseena's lap while handing her the box.

Haseena smiles and tries to rip the wrapping paper out with one hand. She uses the casted arm like a paperweight and uses her left to rip it off. It's a Mets jersey with Haseena's name and number from her little league days. "This is awesome, Karishma. Thank you."

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