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(I don't know First Aid for glass, so it might be wrong.)

-------Grian's Pov--------

'Scar kidnapped another cat,' I thought while I was flying to his base.

'Why does he keep kidnapping random cats. I thought the last cat that tried to kill him in his sleep would stop him from-'

I didn't get to finish that thought before I crashed straight through a window onto a downy carpet.

"GRIAN," someone screamed.

I didn't have enough time to see who yelled my name before a pair of hands were on my back, the person they belonged to advising me to not move. The next thing I knew, a broom was sweeping the glass away from me.

Then I passed out.

--------Scar's Pov-----------

I was talking with Doc about what might have happened to Xisuma, and then Grian crashed through the window.

"GRIAN," I screamed. Doc had his hands on Grian's back, telling him to not move, while I ran to the kitchen to grab a broom.

As soon as I came out, I started sweeping the glass away from Grian. Doc then slowly picked him up and carried him to my room.

"Where do you keep your first Aid stuff, Scar," Doc asked me shortly after he put Grian on the bed.

"In the bathroom, under the sink," I replied. Doc immediately went to the bathroom to get the bandages. Then he came back and began to put them on Grian's wounds.

Then I heard a meow. I turned my head to see if it was Jelly, but instead, it was Mumbo Jr. and Jelly.

----------Xisuma's Pov---------

I was trying to explain to Jelly that I was Xisuma and not Mumbo Jr. (She still didn't get it.)

Then Scar ran in and hastily grabbed a broom from the pantry.

"What's going on," I asked.

"Scar probably Made another mess," Jelly replied. She seemed to know a lot about Scar, which makes sense.

"I'm following to see if everything's alright," I said.

"I'll come over there a bit later. I have some stuff to take care of," Jelly replied. She then slipped out of the kitchen through the arched doorway.

I started to head out of the kitchen into the living room. Where I then saw blood staining the carpet. Then I heard voices in Scar's bedroom, so I started to walk over there. Jelly was now following me.

Once we got there, I slipped into the bedroom through the crack in the door. Jelly followed.

I saw Doc and Scar there. Doc was wrapping bandages around a person that I couldn't see. Scar was there looking worried, then he looked toward us.

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