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"So, that's the plan?" One watcher said, disapprovingly. "Kinda sucks. Can't we just do a bit of... Motivating."

"Xylene, we were told not to hurt the admin." Another said.

Xylene smiled sinisterly at the shorter watcher. "You have no sense of fun, Xylidin. We can get away with using motivation as long as the higher ups can watch."

Xylidin turned his head away; still watching with eyes on the walls. "Fine, but I reserve the right to ask Xenolith for some new toys." Xylidin started to walk down the hall to the dungeon. "You ruined the other toys."


As I walked down the stairs; I remembered that I would need the potion to turn the admin back to his human form.

I scowled at my forgetfulness of a necessary item. Stepping off the stairs, I feel the eyes of the higher ups watching from any good angle they could see from.

They were all watching the admin. They were laughing at him, eyes shaking and squinting.

"Oh, you're awake," I said, surprised. We weren't expecting him to be up for another day.

He kind of shimmied to the back wall; unconsciously hissing at the presentence of possible danger. With him in pain, I walk towards the cell.

All the eyes follow my movement, I wish they would all disappear.

The admin just hissed louder and arched his back as I walked towards the cell. There was a pair of footsteps on the stairwell.

"Xylidin, could you get the potion." Xylene said that as more of a statement than a question. "I'll deal with the admin."

I didn't need to turn around to see Xylene grin at the new opportunity to torcher the admin. I just mentally thanked him, before nodding and walking towards the stairs.


Tango and Zed had been at Impulses side since they brought him in. They tried to at least, they had to stay in the meeting room while Doc and Stress checked him over.

Impulse hadn't woken up yet to everyone's disappointment.

No one was in the medical wing attached to the meeting room aside from Doc, Stress, and Team Zit. Everyone else was in the meeting room planning on how to save Xiusma.

Everyone in the room was serious, not a single giggle or side conversation that didn't involve X.


When I came back to the dungeon, all the eyes were gone. A sign that the higher ups were satisfied with what went down.

Gripping the neck of the potion, I looked at the cell. I've seen lots of blood, gore, and all that, doesn't mean that it ever got any easier for me to look at.

Playtime had ended a while ago; probably to limit the chance of the admin dying. You could definitely tell Xylene made him go through hell though, if him barely breathing and passed out, the many cuts, and the most-likely broken back legs were to tell by.

"Ah, there you are, Xylidin," Xylene's now calmer voice came from behind me. "Do you have the potion?"

I nodded, handing him the potion. There was dried blood under his long fingernails, nowhere else though. He had time to take a shower and change.

"Good job, you retire for the day, and I'll give the admin the potion."

"Thank you, Xylene."

I turned towards the stairwell and started walking. Feeling Xylene's excitement at getting another chance to see the admin in pain.

Word count: 570

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