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-Doc's Pov-

When I got into Grian's room, I should have known to expect that it would be chaos.

But I somehow didn't.

Grian was sitting up on the bed, looking bored as hell. He also had notable bandages on his arm. Mumbo was also there, sitting on a chair on Grian's left opposite an IV. There was a second chair on the right side of the bed. It was empty.

"Hi, Doc," Mumbo said, smiling. Grian wasn't talking, instead now fidgeting with a fluffy, red blanket he was given.

"Hey, Mumbo," I greeted back, slightly grinning at him.

Giggling could be heard through the door.

"They've been playing that game all day and they won't let us play." Grian finally spoke up, "said it would give us too many ideas."

'It would' I thought.

"Well, I needed to talk to you, Grian," I said, being careful with my words.

"You were an admin at one point, right?"

I could see his wings slightly twitch; his eyes perked up at that question.

"Do I need to leave?" Mumbo asked, looking between us. I personally forgot he was there.

I looked at Grian, seeing if he wanted Mumbo gone.

"Doc, is it ok if Mumbo stays?" Grian asked, his eyes held an emotion that I didn't know of.

I'm not good with emotions.

"If you want to, Grian," I responded.

I grabbed the chair no one was sitting on and pulled it in front of the bed.

"Well, Team Code needs some help with turning Xisuma back into a human."

"What?" Grian confusedly asked. He wasn't fidgeting anymore.

Mumbo was also confused.

"I should explain, shouldn't I."

"Ya, that would be nice."

-Xisuma's Pov-

Flying was nice as a cat. The wind blowing through your fur and everything.

The not-nice thing was that I was kidnapped again, this time by Tango, Impulse, and Zed.

They were talking about how cute I was as a cat.

Doc told them, didn't he.


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