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(This was made at 1am to 2am so its crappy.)

-------Keralis' Pov--------

"Doc, is Mumbo Jr. actually shashwamy," I asked him as he proceeded to spit out his water in a comical move.

"How did you know?" Doc asked me after grabbing a napkin.

"So, that is shashwamy."


"That explains why he is being so weird," we stood in silence before I spoke up.

"I'm kidnapping him."

"Wait, what-" He didn't get to finish before I was off to kidnap shashwamy.

-------Xisuma's Pov------

This is the second time I've been kidnapped. This time, it was Keralis.

"Hi, shashwamy," Keralis greeted. Why does him finding out not surprise me.

"Hi, K," I greeted back, knowing he wouldn't hear what I said.

"Aw, has little shashwamy turned into a cat," Keralis said in his baby voice.

I tried to say something, but all that came out was a little cat yawn.

"Aw, is little shashwamy tired?"

I never knew how fast I could fall asleep.

---------Keralis' Pov--------

Shashwamy was fast asleep, sleeping in my arms while I was sitting on the couch.

I went to Shashwamy's place. So I could make his favorite tea since I was out.

I placed him on his bed and covered him in a blanket so he wouldn't get cold.

Then I went to get his tea.

---------Scar's Pov----------

Mumbo Jr was missing, and Jelly was still here.

I don't know where he went, but Doc says he's okay.

How does Doc know he's okay?

Does Doc know where he is?

He might have just gone for a walk.

--------Keralis' Pov -------

I forgot how long cats sleep.

It's been over 5 hours since shashwamy fell asleep.

His tea's already cold, so I put it in the microwave to save it from the flies.

My tea is long gone, so I'm watching a show on Xisuma's TV.

Apparently, it was on his watch again playlist thing, so I started to watch it.

It's called The Platform, and I don't know why shashwamy would want to watch this.

(its like 2 in the morning.ya)

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