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------Xisuma's Pov------

I've already warned them two times not to go through my kitchen, and nonetheless, they are still trying to search.

Keralis is still lecturing Tango.

And my stash is about to be ransacked.

Next thing I know, I'm being picked up and hauled out the door.

------Doc's Pov-----

"So, we don't know if this will work?" I asked.

"No, for all we know, he could come out of this dead or a cat with human limbs. We also don't know what else could go wrong." Joe responded.

Everyone was uneasy at that,

"So, we don't know if this will be successful," xB stated.

Joe sighed. "No, we aren't as good at code as Xisuma is, so it's almost impossible to tell."

Someone whispered under their breath. "Knew we should have placed Grian on code duty."

"Why don't we have Grian help us. He used to be an admin, so he knows code." I asked.

"Because he's still at Stress' place being taken care of."

"So, why don't we go there?" xB asked.

There was a pause. " Why didn't I think of that," Cub asked, metaphorically slapping his face.

We all giggled at that.

They then decided that I was to go to Stress' house while they gathered everyone up.

---- 13 minutes later----

When I got to Stress' house, it was chaos.

Well, Grian was there; what did I anticipate.

I was merely outside the house.

And could even hear that demonic watcher parrot screeching.

Lots of yelling, too.

Tons of it...

I then settled to go help Stress with the gremlin.

"Stress, you here?"

A very irritated Stress answered the door.

Her usual smile was a scowl, and her eyes basically screamed at me to massacre everyone in the room.

Her scowl then turned into a smile. Creepy.

"Hi, Doc, anything you need," she asked, her typical cheerful voice defied her eyes.

"Ya, I just needed to speak with Grian," I said, straining to disregard the sounds of screeching coming from another room.

I just realized that the other girls were here, all looking at an apples-to-apples game.

"Oh, of course, let me just tell him real quick," she noticed the look on my face and answered my question.

"He's high on pain meds because he decided it would be a good idea to juggle knives and somehow stabbed himself and is now mad that he can't prank someone," she somehow said with a blank face.

My eyes were probably as wide as saucers right now.

She smiled again.

"Do you mind waiting out here for a moment," she said apologetically.

I shook my head, and she closed the door.

There was then more yelling and then silence.

The door then opened, and Stress signalled me inside.

The girls then began giggling like maniacs and chatting about torturous ways to kill someone.

This is why X has banned so many games.

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