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(I just looked up Coffee Machine Anatomy in google, I know nothing about it) 

--------Xisuma's Pov--------

I don't know how it happened, but I fell asleep on Doc's lap.

"Jelly?" I said groggily, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

I got soft snores as a reply, either from Jelly or Scar. I then remembered last night's events; I was a cat. I couldn't make coffee or my tea. I couldn't look at the code to fix whatever mess the hermits made.

So, I stretched, got off Doc's lap, and went to see if I could drink some tea because I'm not going a day without tea or coffee.

-------Scar's Pov------

I noticed that Mumbo Jr wasn't here when I woke up. Wondering where he went. I began to get up, but I saw that Jelly was napping on my stomach, so I couldn't get up. So, I went back to sleep.

-------Doc's Pov------

When I woke up, I got up to get some coffee because I needed the caffeine. So, I went to the kitchen to get some.

I put some coffee beans in the filter basket and then put the carafe in the machine. After that, I lifted the lid to the water reservoir and put the shower head over the filter basket. When I went to get some water to put in the coffee machine, I saw Mumbo Jr standing by Xisuma's armor in the living room. How it got there, I don't know.

"What are you doing?" I asked the cat, not hoping for a response.

"Meow meow," the cat responded.

"You know I can't understand you right." I replied.

Then, the cat tapped Xisuma's helmet while looking at me.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked.

"Meow," the cat responded in a kind of rushed tone.

The cat then climbed under Xisuma's helmet.

"Wha-" I couldn't finish my sentence before Xisuma's helmet spoke.

" System respond, welcome back Xisuma Void." a robotic voice in Xisuma's helmet spoke.

"XISUMA!" I shouted.

Cliffhanger :)

Xisuma the catWhere stories live. Discover now