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--------Cub's Pov------

I was looking through Xisuma's code when I found something weird.

There was a line of code that was identical to a cat's code.

"Hey guys," I said to get the other's attention.

"Ya Cub," Xb responded. Everyone's attention was now on me.

"I found some weird code implanted in Xisuma's code."

"What do you mean?" Doc asked.

"Look." Doc, Xb, Joe, and Iskall crowded around the screen while I pointed to the extra code in X's code.

Doc was the first to speak up.

"I don't see what's wrong, it looks normal." Iskall nodded in agreement.

I then pulled up a cat's code and pointed at the code.

"It's the same code," I said, still pointing.

"So, does that mean that Xisuma has cat ears?" Doc asked.

Everyone stared at him.

"Hey, I'm only good in landscaping code," Doc tried to defend himself.

"No, Doc, the code that's implanted in his code is code for the cat's body. So, basically, the code turned him into a cat." Joe spoke up.

"Wait, didn't Scar find a cat next to Xisuma's armor," Doc said, everyone realizing what it meant.

"Ya, he did say that me and Etho transported his armor to Scar's place." Iskall pointed out.

"Xisuma is a cat; Scar kidnapped him, and Keralis now has him at X's base," Doc said blankly.

Everyone just stared at him.

"How do you know that, Doc," I asked.

"It's a long story, but you might want to recall everyone back," Doc explained.

"Ya, since we know that X was that cat, we know how to turn him back to his human form," I said.

"Or we can turn him back right now. Keralis does have him." Joe explained.

"Ya, true, but what if something goes wrong," I tried to explain.

"How about we bring him here, and we can help him if anything goes wrong," Doc said.

"I mean," Iskall started. "He has a point."

"Ok, we will bring him here and turn him back. Does everyone agree?" I stated.

Everyone said variations of yes.

"Ok, so we bring him here. Doc, you said he was with Keralis, right." Xb asked.

"Ya, he should be," Doc responded.

"I called everyone back to the shopping district. I also asked Team Zit to retrieve Xisuma and bring him back," Joe stated.

"Okay, so we now need to make sure everything is okay to turn back X," Doc said.

Xisuma the catWhere stories live. Discover now