Chapter 19

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It's 7:00 pm right now and Ryan and I are all cleaned up. We stand outside Traci's office leaning on the wall beside his closed door. This place brings back recent memories. I wonder if this was where I gained Ryan's trust, when I got him to unlock my handcuffs just two days ago.

Suddenly, the door clicks open and Ryan and I are quick to stand up straight.

"Come in" Traci says. Ryan and I follow him into his office and take a seat in front of his desk as he takes one behind. He has a visible frown and wrinkles on his forehead. He is obviously stressed.

"What's up Traci?" Ryan asks.

"I'll get right to it. I'm sending you guys on a mission in two days" he says.

"What?! She's only been training f-" Ryan's exclamation is cut off by Traci's hand signaling for him to be quiet.

"Let me explain. So someone by the name of Ross Palino is hosting a charity ball in Miami. Do either of you recognize this Mr. Palino?" Traci asks as he sets a file on his desk. He nods at Ryan for him to open it.

Ryan reaches out and flips the file open, and I immediately gasp at the picture laid on top of the stack of papers inside.

It's D-Trix.

"It's Sandoval" Ryan mutters with a disgusted undertone.

"Right. And this 'charity ball' is the perfect opportunity to fund for God-knows-what. Weapons, powerful technology, more people to work for the S.I.N.S...." Traci lists.

"Where do we come in?" Ryan asks getting right to the point.

"Well Ashley obviously knows Sandoval better than anyone here. You'll be able to predict his actions with even more accuracy than Ryan" Traci says and looks at me for confirmation.

I nod but ask, "But he'll recognize me if he sees me. And Ryan too since he's seen his profile."

"We have make up artists here. They'll help disguise you. Also I said this event was black tie... So I'll have someone fit you both for your attire" Traci explains.

"And what exactly do you want us to do to Sandoval once we find him?" Ryan asks.

"Get him alone and sedate him. We have a private jet that will fly you there and back so transportation shouldn't be a problem. The sedative will last many hours so it shouldn't be a problem once he's asleep. If worse comes to worse, meaning he's getting away, shoot him" Traci says and watches our reaction. My face stays blank and ready for Traci to continue, but Ryan looks at me with a questioning glance. After a second he nods at Traci for him to continue.

"You two train hard tomorrow. Ryan, I think it's really important you focus more on strategic plans of attack rather than physical training. Sorry this is on such short notice but this is the best chance we have to capture Sandoval" Traci continues.

"Also, the day you leave will be spent solely for preparing for the mission. You'll be fitted then. So work hard tomorrow. I have high hopes for this team" Traci finishes.

"Thanks Traci" Ryan says but he sounds anything but thankful.

"Ryan you may leave. Ashley I want to talk to you for a minute" Traci says.

Ryan looks at me and then walks out, the door clicking shut behind him.

Traci clears his throat. "Ashley... I can tell Ryan doesn't see you as that strong of an A.S.S. yet, but I can tell that you are. Whether it's because of your I.Q. or not, I don't know. But I do know that having an extremely high I.Q. does lower your sense of morality. Which is why if it comes to shooting Sandoval, you may have to be the one to do it" he says.

I nod, agreeing with him. He is right.

"But Ryan will not agree with this. He doesn't see you as experienced enough to kill someone. But let me tell you from my personal experience, pulling that trigger never gets more comfortable. Which is why Ryan will most likely falter if he has to go through with killing Sandoval" Traci says.

I start to disagree with his words. "The thing about people with lower I.Q.s, they are more Dionysian- their actions following their thoughts or feelings. As Ryan learns more about D-Tri- I mean Sandoval, he has become angrier with him. That's why if it comes to it, I think Ryan could easily pull that trigger" I explain.

"Are you implying that as Ryan learns more about your history with Sandoval, he is getting angrier with him for how he treated you? Meaning Ryan has a growing attachment for you?" Traci asks.

I realize how much I underestimated Traci. For someone who isn't a classified genius, he is extremely smart.

"Yes" I admit.

"Well then, I trust your instincts Ashley. It's good that whoever might end up in that position is ready" Traci says.

I simply nod my head, relieved that Traci didn't ask further about Ryan's attachment to me. Or mine to him.

"I guess it's best you get some rest now. You have a long few days ahead of you" he dismisses me.

"Thanks Traci" I say and exit his office.

Ryan stands right outside the office door. As soon as it closes behind me he asks, "What did he say?"

I don't think that Ryan knowing Traci doesn't trust him with killing D-Trix will have any advantage. "He was just insuring me that everything would be okay. Just work really hard tomorrow" I lie.

Ryan stares at me for a second too long and I know I've been caught in my lie.

Thankfully he doesn't question me and just says "Okay."

We step inside the elevator to go to our floor. I notice all the excited energy we had before this meeting is gone. And I know now that any hope of it getting better here is now gone.

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