Chapter 13

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Hours later, Ryan and I are walking back to his SUV with huge bags stuffed with necessities. Ryan had been so helpful with picking out stuff for me. Whenever I thought we had grabbed everything I needed (clothes, feminine products, food, new shoes), Ryan would say something else I did in fact need. I smile at the memory of Ryan reminding me I needed underwear.

Ryan coughed to grab my attention. "Don't you need underwear?" he asked.

My cheeks burned. "Yes" I say.

We walked over to the ladies underwear department. I could feel Ryan's eyes burn through the back of my skull as I tried to pick out some underwear and bras.

"I think I should ask someone for help" I mumble awkwardly.

"I can help you" he says and I look at him.

"Well I gotta get fitted for a bra" I state.

Ryan sighs. "Fine" he mumbles.

Did he really think I was gonna let him help me pick out underwear?

I walked away towards a lady worker who happened to be phenomenal with picking out underwear. But I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ryan's intentions.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of Ryan opening his trunk.

"Thank you so much for all your help" I say as we stuff bags into the back of his car.

"Glad to help" Ryan says.

Together we shut the trunk and hop into our seats. I'm surprised that when we get into the car it's already 6 pm.

Ryan pulls out of the big parking lot and I notice we aren't headed back to the H.Q.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Dinner" Ryan simply hummed.

"Oh okay" I said.

We sat in a comfortable silence until Ryan pulled into Red Robin's parking lot.

"Sorry. The only thing good around here is Chipotle" Ryan said.

I laughed. "It's okay" I said.

We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. "I'd like an order to go" Ryan told the hostess that stood by a podium by the door.

She nodded and handed us two menus.

"Why aren't we eating here?" I asked.

"Shopping makes me tired" Ryan said and yawned.

I shake my head in agreement and look down at the menu. A simple cheeseburger should do. I look up at Ryan to catch him staring at me. I feel my cheeks burn.

"You ready to order?" he asks.

"Yep" I say and smile.

The hostess gets out her notepad and looks at Ryan first.

"I'll have a cheeseburger. Hold the fries" he says.

Does he not like fries? Everyone likes fries. Then I realize that he's probably trying to stay in shape. I should do the same if I'm going to train with him.

"I'll have the same thing" I tell the waitress.

She scribbles it down and gives it to a waitress. I watch the waitress walk towards the restaurant's kitchen.

"Let's go wait over there" Ryan says and points to a bench a few yards from us.

We sit down and wait in a comfortable silence for our food. About 10 minutes later a waitress brings it out and hands Ryan the bill. He graciously pays for our meals once again. After he hands her the money we walk outside, each carrying a bag with our meal inside it.

"Um Ryan?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Where do you get money from?" I wonder.

"Oh. You'll start getting paid when we start going on missions. If you want more details talk to Traci" he says.

"Okay. Thanks for treating me today" I say.

"No problem." He looks over at me and smiles, making my body feel a little warm.

We get to the car and put our food in the back seat. Then we hop into the front.

Ryan pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road. We sit in silence for a minute before he interrupts.

"Your cheeks are still swollen. Do they hurt?" he asks.

I feel my face burn in embarrassment.

"No. And the swelling went down a lot when I took a shower today" I mumble and look out the window.

I can practically feel the uneasiness coming off of Ryan. "I treated you so bad when you got here. I was out of hand. Even if you were the head of the S.I.N.S. yourself I shouldn't have treated you that way" he says.

"Ryan it's fine. You already apolo-"

"No it's not fine!" Ryan yells and immediately pulls over.

I glance his way and he unbuckles his seat belt so he can turn and completely face me.

"Ashley, you need to understand that what I did was completely wrong. When you were with the S.I.N.S., you probably got used to those people pushing you around. But you need to know that's not how society works. That's not how I work..." Ryan trails off.

"I know Ryan" I say.

"I don't think you do" he says.

"Stop treating me like I'm an idiot Ryan! I can tell a good person from a bad one. I've lived with bad ones for years. Everyone makes mistakes. The only difference between a good person and a bad person is if you regret making them."

"I'm sorry Ashley. What I did... it was out of pure anger..." he says and looks down.

I observe him for a moment, curiously studying what a face of true sincerity looks like.

"No one's ever apologized to me before" I say quietly and look out the windshield.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my chin, pulling my face to the left so I'm looking directly into his eyes. Ryan rests his forehead on mine and we stare into each other's brown eyes for a second. He brings his other hand up to my face so my chin rests in his hands. I watch in awe as he slowly leans down. His soft lips land on mine, and he keeps them there for a few seconds, 4.5 to be exact, then he deeply inhales through his nostrils and pulls back.

He smiles at me and puts his seat belt on. "Let's go home already" he says and pulls back onto the street.

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