Chapter 3

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I had told Ryan my conclusion, that the S.I.N.S. didn't need me anymore, and then he left without a word. Now I'm still waiting in this interrogation room, wet and in pain, for whatever will happen next. I start counting in my head as soon as Ryan walks out because I don't have a watch and it's one of the things I'm good at. Five minutes and 36 seconds later Traci walks in. I'm assuming in that time Ryan had told Traci what he's learned from me, about the H.Q. and such.

"Come on, I need to take you to your cell" Traci said.

"But I was forced to do everything! They kept threatening my family! Please don't do this!" I begged as Traci slapped handcuffs on me.

Traci put an arm around me and guided me out of the interrogation room and towards the A.S.S.'s holding cells. They were in a separate hall in the back of the building. "We'll talk about this tomorrow" Traci said as we began our walk to the back of the headquarters.

"Can I at least have a towel?" I asked.

Traci glanced at me and said "I'll get you one once you're in the cell."

The rest of the walk was silent. I can do one night in here, I thought to comfort myself. They'll probably be understanding and let me go, unless they're as pissed off as Ryan. Then I'd be screwed.

I step into my cell which is actually more like a room. I enter through a door and Traci closes it behind me. I estimate it to be an eleven by eleven foot room. There's a small bed shoved in a corner and a toilet on the right. No way I'm using that when someone could walk in at any moment. I sit on the bed with nothing else to do.

A minute later Traci walks back in with a plain white towel in his hands. "Stand up" he instructs.

I stand up and realize he's going to unlock the cuffs so I turn around. I feel them unlock and then my hands are bare. I rub my sore wrists and turn around to face Traci. He hands me the towel and turns around to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says and the door slams shut behind him.

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