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"Okay, everyone, I think I'm done," I remarked as I accepted a bottle of water from Millie. The cool liquid offered immediate relief to my parched throat as I took a sip. "Are we calling it a day?"

Millie, engrossed in her phone, responded to Jessie's query, "Yeah, let's wrap it up; it's already 6 pm."

While Jessie and Millie busied themselves with packing their gear, I carefully nestled my electric guitar back into its case, momentarily disregarding the soreness in my fingertips caused by plucking the guitar strings. It seemed we were the last students remaining at the school today, and the building had become eerily vacant. As we strolled down the corridor, we dutifully closed the music room's doors behind us. While I walked silently, Millie and Jessie continued their conversation about various unrelated topics. I couldn't help but overhear some of it, and it added a pleasant background to our departure.

While strolling, I found myself lost in thought, gazing at my shoes as a myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. "Maybe I should stop dwelling on these absurd thoughts for a moment and join in the conversation with my best friends," I mused. But it seemed that thought was persistent and refused to leave my head. I walked silently behind Millie and Jessie, who were animatedly discussing the new band they had discovered.

"I think I should break up," I whispered to myself, my eyes fixed on the floor as I took another step. Suddenly, I felt a collision, as if I had walked into someone. The jolt brought me back to reality, like being awakened from a nightmare. I turned to find Hazel, also known as the 'violent lesbian loser' by some, standing before me. I quickly stepped back, beginning to apologize, "Oh my God, I should have been more careful. I'm so sorr—"

"Oh my God, it's okay, I'm fine, and I'm sorry too," Hazel interjected, brushing her hair away from her face. I couldn't help but look at Hazel, trying to maintain my composure. For some reason, she seemed different today, perhaps even somewhat attractive.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I thought everyone had left. What are you doing here?" I asked as Hazel tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I forgot my keys in my locker," Hazel replied, her smile slightly awkward. "I was just on my way out to get them. Why are you still here?"

"Me, Millie, and Jessie stay after school for rehearsals," I explained, smiling and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Hazel nodded and maintained eye contact. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I replied, returning the smile. "Goodbye," I said as I turned to walk back to my friends.

As I unlocked the back door of the car, placing my luggage and instrument inside before closing it, Millie inquired, "Where were you?"

"Oh, I ran into Hazel," I replied, and she asked, "Hazel Callahan?"

"Yes, her," I confirmed as she started to drive away. Millie continued, "What was she doing there so late?"

"She said she forgot her keys or something," I explained as I glanced down at my phone.

After what felt like an endless 20 minutes, we finally arrived near my house. "We're here, Cass," Jessie said with a tired but warm smile, to which I returned the gesture. "Thanks for the ride, guys," I expressed my gratitude as I gathered my bag and guitar case.

"We love you, and make sure to get some rest, okay?!" Millie and Jessie chimed in unison.

"I will, love you guys more," I replied, before getting out of the car and closing the door. As I approached the front door, I rang the doorbell, and it soon swung open to reveal my mom. "Hi, honey," she greeted, opening her arms for a welcoming hug. I embraced her tightly, cherishing the comforting feeling of home. "Hi, pretty lady," I giggled, and she asked, "Tired?"

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