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It had been two days since I came out to my parents and also two days since I last spoke to Hazel. "Honey, breakfast!" I heard my mom's cheerful call from downstairs, prompting me to rush down with my guitar in tow. "Hello, Ginger," my dad greeted me with a comforting smile. Their love and support were exactly what I needed, and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Good morning, old man," I playfully greeted as we all settled at the table for breakfast. "Old man?" my mom scoffed, raising an eyebrow. "You're an old woman too," I said, taking a bite of the fruit salad she had prepared. "We're still in our twenties, what are you talking about?" my dad chuckled, leaning over to kiss my mom's forehead. Witnessing their affectionate exchange, I couldn't help but smile. They were my role models for the ideal couple, making me believe that true love indeed still existed.

"Gross," I teased, shaking my head as they laughed. In those moments, looking at them, I couldn't help but envision myself in a similar position someday. My parents not only supported me but also served as a constant reminder that genuine love endures.

I stood by my locker, scanning through the jumble of books, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was greeted by Isabel's radiant presence. Isabel had this uncanny ability to look absolutely breathtaking no matter what she was doing. She smiled and waved my math notebook at me, asking, "Looking for this?" I laughed, realizing I had forgotten she borrowed it. "Yeah," I replied, relieved.

"Thanks for letting me borrow it," she said warmly, her smile infectious. "Anytime," I assured her, reciprocating the warmth. "Can I ask you something?"she asked shyly "Of course," I replied, intrigued. "Where did you get your lip gloss from? It's just so shiny and glossy," she inquired, her awkward smile making me chuckle.

"You're very adorable, Isabel," I complimented her, watching her blush and laugh lightly.

We walked together towards the next class, the air filled with a mix of casual chatter and unspoken tensions. Chemistry seemed to be the last place I wanted to be, yet here we were. Millie and Jessie kept up the conversation about weekend plans and upcoming assignments, while Josie and Isabel shared a quick exchange of glances, their connection evident in the subtlest gestures.

As I and millie entered the classroom, I couldn't help but notice Hazel's absence. A wave of relief washed over me, but it was swiftly replaced by a pang of guilt. 

The chemistry teacher's monotone voice became a backdrop to my internal turmoil. Glancing at Millie, I found comfort in her presence, i smiled at her weakly as she smiled back.

As the class progressed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something needed to be addressed, a conversation long overdue. The weight of unspoken words lingered in the air, and the chemistry between Hazel and me wasn't confined to the subject we were studying.

Just as the chemistry lesson was underway, the door creaked open, and my heart skipped a beat. Hazel entered the class. The room seemed to shift as her presence filled the space, and a peculiar mixture of emotions stirred within me.

Our eyes met briefly, a fleeting moment charged with unspoken words and unresolved tension. She offered a quick apologetic smile to the teacher and found an empty seat, not far from where I was sitting. The atmosphere in the room shifted again, this time under the weight of awkward silence.

Millie shot me a knowing glance, recognizing the sudden change in my demeanor, she squeezed my hand reassuringly, which made me feel comfortable for a minute.

The chemistry lesson continued, but the chemistry in the room had become more complicated than any set of equations. I stole occasional glances in Hazel's direction, wondering if she felt the same heaviness in the air. The unspoken conversation between us lingered, waiting for a moment of resolution that seemed elusive.


As the lesson progressed, my focus wavered between the lecture and the unspoken tension in the room. Cassie's occasional glances in my direction felt like a series of unasked questions. It was clear that something needed addressing.

I tried to immerse myself in the chemical equations on the board, attempting to drown out the weight of the unresolved emotions. But with every passing moment, the intensity of the unspoken conversation between Cassie and me grew, permeating the air around us.

Millie, seated beside Cassie, cast sympathetic glances in my direction, and I couldn't help but wonder what conversations had transpired in my absence. The support was appreciated, yet it deepened the realization that a confrontation was inevitable.


"Dang, dude," a guy laughed, giving Joshua a pat on the back. "See?" Joshua chuckled, surrounded by a group of guys. "You really got her back?" the guy smirked. "Bet is a bet," Joshua laughed, joining in the camaraderie.

"Only until she lets me get even closer, and then we end this bet, okay?" he declared, glancing at the other guys. "Come on, dude."

"Nah, man. I want this to end quick. She literally dumped me, you know how hard it was to get her to believe me. I spend money on flowers and chocolates and i fucking cried," Joshua confessed, shaking his head with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. The laughter and banter around him couldn't fully mask the raw emotions beneath the surface.

"But, bro, she's hot. Why would you—" The guy began, only to be interrupted by Joshua.

"Have you seen Cara?" Joshua smirked, his gaze fixated on the blonde cheerleader. "So?"

"I'll ask her out soon, after I dump that redhead," Joshua added casually, shurgging. 


"You should dump his ass again," Jessie asserted between bites of her lunch. I hesitated, contemplating her words. "Why? He's literally treating me better than before," I defended.

"Better than Hazel?" Jessie questioned, her gaze steady. A chill ran down my spine. "You came out to your parents and us, Cassie. We know you have something for Hazel, and it's obvious at this point," she said, her words hitting me like a freight train. She was right. I glanced at Millie, who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, look, I know he's 'trying,'" Jessie continued, her expression serious. "But no, just tell him that it's not possible now. You cannot do—" I cut her off, "I'm trying," my voice barely above a whisper as I stared at my untouched lunch.

"I'm not trying to put you in guilt, Cass, but this happened to me before. I've been in Hazel's place. And the worst part is, I still love that girl," she added with a sigh. Last year, Jessie had come out as a lesbian. She liked a girl named Dina, who was a close friend of her. They shared a few intimate moments, and then everything changed overnight. And Jessie couldn't move on, and the pain was evident in her eyes as she spoke.

I sighed, glancing at my best friends. "I know," I replied, feeling the weight of their concern.

"Do whatever feels right," Millie said, sending a comforting look my way. "We know you're old enough to know what's right and what's wrong," she continued.

"Thanks for trusting me," I managed a weak smile, appreciating their support. Jessie changed the topic, asking, "Are you guys going to Kaylee's party?" Kaylee was renowned for her weekend parties, which had adult-like festivities—drinking, smoking weed, making out, and more. I'd been to one,for 5 minutes.

I looked at Millie and Jessie,the question hanging in the air. "Uh, I don't know. Are you guys going?" I asked.

"I am," Jessie replied. "Well, then I'll come too," I decided. Millie, however, smiled awkwardly. "Not a fan of parties," she admitted.

"Okay, well, you could come pick us up," Jessie suggested with a chuckle. "You're really boring," I added, joining in the laughter as we navigated the dynamics of our plans.

★。⋆🎧 ⋆。★

(im also sooo boring i might throw up)

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now