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I settled into my seat, my mind consumed by thoughts of Joshua. I grappled with the question of whether love still lingered in my heart for him, or if it had withered away. Even if a glimmer of affection remained, I was acutely aware that it was far too late to retrace my steps and return to him.

Memories flooded my mind, recollections of moments when he had belittled my efforts, leaving me feeling utterly worthless. I couldn't help but remember the countless occasions when he had chosen everyone else over me. As I dwelled on those times when our relationship seemed solely centered on his needs and desires, my affection for him waned, and the love that once bound us began to diminish.

I was jolted from my thoughts by a gentle tap on my shoulder, causing me to startle. "Hey, you okay?" a soft voice spoke from behind. Turning around, I was relieved to see that it was none other than Hazel.

"Hi," I replied with a warm smile, greeting her with a sense of relief.
"Are you okay? You've been staring at that wall for the past 6 minutes," she inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I chuckled softly, grateful for her caring nature. "Oh, I'm fine," I assured her, not entirely lying. "I was just thinking of something, you know."

"Oh," she murmured, her gaze momentarily dropping to the ground before meeting my eyes again. A sense of unease hung in the air, and I couldn't ignore that something was bothering her. Concerned, I leaned in a little closer and gently asked, "What happened?"

Hazel nervously ran her fingers through her hair, trying to find the right words. "I was thinking," she began hesitantly. I couldn't help but tease her playfully, repeating her words, "You were thinking?"

A blush crept onto her cheeks as she continued, "I was thinking that maybe we could go stargazing tonight. But, it's completely fine if you don't want to, I understand if you're busy. It was just a thought..." She trailed off, seemingly uncertain.

I interrupted her with a smile, captivated by the genuine admiration I saw in her eyes. In that moment, it was as though all my other worries melted away. "Hazel, I'd love that," I said, my heart warming as I returned her smile.

"Are you being serious?" she questioned, a hint of disbelief coloring her tone.

I chuckled and assured her, "I'm absolutely serious. Why wouldn't I be?" My laughter echoed in the air, and Hazel joined in, her nervous chuckle slowly transforming into one of genuine happiness.

Standing up, the echoes of our laughter lingered, and genuine smiles adorned both Hazel's and my faces. We exchanged a comfortable gaze, cherishing the moment until the tranquility was abruptly shattered by PJ and Josie's sudden entrance.

"Hazel,We've been looking for you," PJ exclaimed urgently. "Oh hey, Cass, can I call you Cas-" I interrupted, "It's Cassie." PJ responded, "well hi, Cassie!" It's not that I dislike PJ, but her boundless energy could occasionally be overwhelming.

"Hi, PJ," I greeted with a slight smile. PJ, seemingly unstoppable, continued with compliments, "You look really good today, well, you look pretty every day." "Thanks," I replied, trying to navigate the conversation. "Are you free this evening? We can do our math homework together."

Glancing at Hazel, I caught her rolling her eyes in clear annoyance at PJ's relentless energy. "No, I'm kind of tied up today. I'm sorry," I declined politely, adjusting my bag as I headed towards the exit. "I'll see you later, Hazel," I added with a reassuring smile before making my way towards the exit, leaving behind the lively atmosphere that had briefly filled the room.

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now