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"Shush," I whispered as we pulled into my driveway. I desperately hoped that my mom either wasn't home or had already drifted off to sleep. Cassie, seemingly incapable of staying silent, continued her ramblings.

"I personally think Kanye is bipolar," she commented, and I interjected, "Okay, okay, will you shut up for just one second?" She nodded in agreement, but before I could sigh in relief, she resumed, "And, like, I like Kanye's music, not totally–" I swiftly placed a hand over her mouth as we parked.

"Shush," I urged, looking into her wide-eyed expression. She mimicked the gesture, placing a finger over her lips, signaling an attempt at silence. The momentary respite allowed me to gather my thoughts as we approached the uncertain reality awaiting us inside.

I opened the door and carried her up, yet again. "You're like a gentleman, but you're a woman? You look kinda manly, do you know that? You look like a white boy," Cassie remarked. "Okay, let's shut up for a minute?" I suggested, and she nodded.

Once we reached the front door, I gently sat Cassie on the porch while I inserted the key into the keyhole, turning it slowly. The door opened silently, revealing a quiet interior. There were no signs of my mom, and her heels were conspicuously absent. I sighed with relief as I picked Cassie up once more and carefully walked inside the house.

"Shush," Cassie playfully interjected, earning a laugh from me. "You can talk now," I replied as I shut the door close. She stood there awkwardly, staring at me before losing her balance and falling.

"Shit," I cursed, swiftly picking her up. "This place is kinda weird," she laughed as she looked around,I couldn't help but join in her laughter. I carried Cassie to the living room and gently settled her on the couch. The dim light cast a soft glow over the room, and the silence of the house contrasted with the lively chaos of the party we had just left.

Cassie giggled, still finding amusement in the situation. "Your place is kinda weird, in a good way though," she remarked, her words slurring slightly from the effects of the alcohol.

I chuckled, taking a seat beside her. "Well, weird is my kind of normal," I admitted with a smile. Cassie leaned back, looking more relaxed, and the weight of the night's events seemed to momentarily fade away.

"Do you need anything? Water, maybe?" I asked, concerned about her well-being. Cassie shook her head, still giggling. " I'm good. Just enjoying the weirdness."

As I sat there, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions—relief that we were now in a quieter space, concern for Cassie's state, and a strange sense of comfort in the midst of the unexpected night.

"I might throw up on your couch" cassie laughed. I frowned, concerned. "Do you need help? Should I get you a bucket or something?" I asked, worry evident in my voice.

Cassie shook her head, her expression a mix of discomfort and amusement. " I think I just need to lay down for a bit. The room is spinning." she laughed again "what a weird place"

I guided her to the nearby guest room and helped her settle onto the bed. "Just rest for a while. I'll be around if you need anything," I reassured her.

I watched Cassie fall asleep, her fingers curled around my index finger, and a genuine smile played on my lips. As I prepared to leave, her whispered plea reached my ears. "Stay," she murmured, her fingers tightening their hold.

I looked down at her, seeing the vulnerability in her expression as she buried her head in the pillow and softly groaned, "Please." Her words hung in the air, and after a moment's hesitation, I sighed and agreed, "Fine," as I laid down beside her.

I felt her arms wrap around my waist, and she nestled her head in my neck.


"Hmm?" I responded softly.

"I love you," 


happy new year guys<3 i apologize for not updating in such a long time lmao. geniune question, do you guys actually h8 me?

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