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(am i rushing this?) 


"Hello?" Millie waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality. I was still lost in thoughts about last night, a night that felt strangely romantic.

"Guys, I think there's a serious problem with my drumming these days," Jessie said with a groan. "You just need rest," I sighed, trying to shake off the lingering thoughts from the night before. We had been in the music room for the past hour, where Millie and Jessie practiced while I zoned out.

"What's wrong with you today?" Jessie asked, packing up her stuff. "What's wrong with me? Nothing," I shrugged, avoiding eye contact. I hadn't told them about the stargazing date with Hazel yet.

"Nothing? You've zoned out a thousand times today," Millie laughed lightly. "It's nothing," I insisted, hastily shoving my guitar into its case.

"Okay, okay, we trust you," they said as we walked towards the exit. However, I made a sudden turn, heading towards an empty classroom. "Hello?" Millie said, grabbing my wrist. "The exit is that way," she pointed.

"I know, Millie," I replied. "You guys go ahead." Millie released my wrist, a puzzled expression on her face. "Hazel is still here. I'll accompany her," I said with a casual shrug, trying to downplay.

"Callahan?" Jessie and Millie asked in unison. "Yes," I nodded, "the cute lesbian loser?" They questioned again. "Yes, what is wrong with you guys?" I asked, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion.

"Ohhh, nice," Jessie said, smirking. "She's just a friend, Jessie!"

"Okay, okay, we don't trust you," Millie said, laughing. "I'll see you guys later," I said as I walked towards the classroom.

"Remember, there are cameras in there–"

"Fuck you, Jessie," I yelled, cutting her off as I watched them leave. I walked inside the classroom; There she was, twirling her pencil in her messy hair and staring deeply at her notebook. Was I blushing? Maybe.

I walked towards her, and it was evident that she was deeply concentrated because she didn't even realize I was there. "What do we have here?" I said, teasingly snatching the paper from her hands. It turned out to be the chemistry homework we had received earlier.

"Oh, chem homework, huh? You're going to complete my homework as well loser." I said playfully.

"Am I being bullied?" Hazel asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes," I laughed. She raised an eyebrow, "Without my permission?" she questioned again.

"Yes," I said with a chuckle. "Are you done with—"

"Yeah, I'll complete the rest of it at home," she cut me off, smiling as she grabbed her bag and started shoving her stuff inside. "Thanks for waiting," she said.

"No problem. We just packed up a few minutes ago," I said, scratching the back of my neck as I watched her. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, grabbing her bag. We walked out of the classroom in a comfortable silence, not the awkward type. "You wait here; I'll get the car," she said, running towards the parking lot. After about five minutes, I saw her driving towards me. I opened the passenger door and sat in. She began driving, and a peaceful silence enveloped us.

"Do you think aliens are real?" she asked out of nowhere.

"I don't know, maybe?" I replied, looking at her focused on the street.

"Do you like cats?" I asked.

"Yes, I love cats," she smiled as her gaze shifted from the street to me and then back to the street.

"Do you like ice cream?" she asked.

"Yes, I love ice cream," I said, giggling. She stopped her car near an ice cream van.

Hazel parked the car near the ice cream van. We stepped out of the car, and the pleasant aroma of freshly made waffles and the sound of cheerful ice cream truck music surrounded us. Hazel insisted on treating me, and we selected our favorite flavors.

 The sun began to set, casting a warm glow on the quaint shops and bustling streets. We found a bench in a quiet corner and sat down, continuing our conversation about everything and nothing.

As we laughed and shared stories, I couldn't help but feel a growing connection with Hazel. The evening unfolded with ease, and we eventually found ourselves back in the car, the ice cream cones long gone but the shared laughter lingering.

The drive continued in a comfortable silence. The streetlights illuminated the night, creating a cozy ambiance in the car. As we approached my house, Hazel pulled over, and we found ourselves lost in a moment of lingering gazes.

"Thanks for tonight,again" I said laughing lightly, breaking the silence, Hazel smiled warmly . Our eyes locked, and the atmosphere shifted. Without a word, we leaned in, sharing a soft, sweet kiss in the quiet confines of the car.

It was a moment that felt like the perfect ending to a beautiful evening, leaving us both with a sense of warmth.

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

(you guys are gonna hate me for upcoming chapters.)

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