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I stood there, gazing at the house ablaze with vibrant LEDs, the music resonating through the air and the sun gradually setting, casting a warm glow on the lively scene. Walking alongside Jessie, the sounds of laughter and cheers grew louder as we approached. The atmosphere was electrifying, and the anticipation of the night's festivities radiated from the colorful spectacle before us.

Glancing at Jessie, her eyes lit up with excitement, mirroring the lively energy surrounding us. "Wow, I didn't know these parties were this good!" she exclaimed as we made our way inside, weaving through a sea of sweaty teens. 

"Jessie, are you sure we wont be drugged by any chance here?" I inquired, my eyes scanning the room filled with people enthusiastically consuming alcohol, smoking weed, and indulging in vapes and cigarettes. The air inside hung heavy and intoxicated, making each breath a challenge. Every step felt like wading through an atmosphere thick with an assortment of substances.

"Don't worry, Cass! We'll be fine," Jessie reassured, squeezing my hand as she guided me toward the bustling bar. "Jess, no!" I protested, a mixture of apprehension and reluctance on my face.

"C'mon, just one drink?" Jessie chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. I shot her a disapproving look, whispering, "Jessie, this is illegal." Despite my protest, she laughed, undeterred, and swiftly grabbed a cup, handing another to me.

"Cassie, trust me, this isn't my first time!" she declared, her tone laced with confidence as she gave my arm a reassuring squeeze. "One drink only!" she insisted, downing her entire cup in a single, carefree sip.

I peered into the cup, the swirling liquid staring back at me, and an internal hesitation held me back. "I'm good," I said, gently placing the cup back on the bar. "It's okay, as long as you're comfortable," Jessie reassured with a comforting smile.

"Dang," Jessie exclaimed, her attention diverted as she eyed a girl from a distance. "Isn't she?" we both chimed in unison. "Zeilia Matthews from Huntington High," we said, sharing a knowing look.

"She looks..." Jessie began, and I finished her sentence with a laugh, "Hot." "Exactly, you know what that means," Jessie said, shooting me a mischievous look. "I'll be back real quick; don't go anywhere," she added, disappearing into the crowd as she made her way toward the blonde girl.

I observed Jessie engaging in conversation with Zeilia, their laughs and smiles suggesting an flirtious exchange. Taking a seat on one of the chairs near the bar, I decided to shoot a quick text to Millie. "Hey, we've just arrived at the venue. Jess is already making her move on the girls, and i'm all alone :(" 

I let out a heavy sigh, my eyes scanning the diverse sea of emotions that permeated the room. The atmosphere pulsated with the cacophony of people screaming, laughing, dancing, singing, making love, and even fighting. Every conceivable emotion coexisted within these walls.

As I continued to observe the chaotic symphony of the party, a familiar voice cut through the din. "Hazel, come on, you don't tell me what to do," PJ's voice reached my ears, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Turning to my side, my worst fear manifested—Hazel stood beside PJ.

"PJ, I hope you know this is not legal," Hazel admonished, her words carrying a tone of authority. I instinctively looked away, attempting to hide myself amidst the lively crowd. This was a terrible idea, encountering Hazel here was the last thing I needed.

"Cassie?" PJ's voice rang out, and I scoffed, bracing myself as I turned to face them. "Hi, PJ," I replied, my gaze fixed downward, avoiding Hazel's gaze.

"Wow, you look...smoking hot," PJ commented, and I forced a smile, offering a polite thank you. My attention, however, was abruptly diverted when Hazel interrupted, urging PJ to wrap it up. Hazel's gaze was fixed on someone across the room, and I couldn't bring myself to follow her line of sight.

As the realization sank in that Hazel was here, and she wasn't looking at me, an unexpected surge of emotion overwhelmed me. The silence enveloped me, my throat tightened, and my eyes welled up. I longed to talk to her, but the scars of the other day made it impossible to meet her gaze. 

As I watched Hazel's gaze fixate on another girl, a profound sense of heartache welled up within me, and tears betrayed my efforts to remain composed. "Cassie, you're stronger than this," I repeated to myself, but the lump in my throat persisted, and the desire to scream and cry intensified. i kinda want to kill myself.

"Are you okay?" PJ's concerned voice broke through the internal turmoil, her furrowed brows reflecting genuine worry. I knew that uttering a single word would unleash the floodgates of my emotions. Swallowing hard, I attempted to respond, but the words caught in my throat.

"Cassie?" PJ called out, but I couldn't bear to face her. With a tear wiped hastily from my cheek, I stood up from my seat and walked steadily through the crowd, in search of refuge in the bathroom. The weight on my chest grew heavier with every step, and finally, as I found the bathroom, I shut the door behind me.

Once alone, a shaky breath escaped my lips, and the tears that had threatened to spill finally flowed freely. I pushed through the crowded thoughts in my mind, searching for moment of peace. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the only word that echoed in my mind was "helpless." The makeup on my cheeks became smudged with tears.

I gripped the sink, staring at my tear-streaked reflection, desperately repeating, "You're stronger than this, Cass." Another sob escaped me when suddenly the doorknob twisted, causing my heart to skip a beat. I cursed myself for forgetting to lock the door, and my eyes widened as the door swung open.

"Hazel?" I stammered, taken aback. 

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(guys i wanna write a smut but idk how to)

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