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"Hazel?" I stammered, taken aback.

 She closed the door behind her, locking it without breaking eye contact. "Locking the door is not that hard," she remarked, her gaze momentarily falling to the ground before meeting mine again.

"What the fuck?" I began to whisper, "You scared me! What if I was taking a shit? Knocking before entering isn't that hard either! You scared the crap out of—" Before I could finish my sentence, everything went silent.

The very next moment Hazel crashed her lips into mine, catching me off guard. Her fingers gripped the back of my head as she silenced me with a kiss. "Shut up," she said between breaths, refusing to break the intensity of the moment. Confused and overwhelmed, I found myself reciprocating the kiss, cupping her face as our lips moved in sync.

She picked me up and sat me on the sink, our bodies now intimately close. Despite the unexpected nature of the encounter, the warmth of the kiss and the connection we shared felt undeniably good. This unexpected twist in the midst of my emotional turmoil left me questioning everything.

Her hands explored my thighs as mine tightened around her neck. Slowly, she trailed kisses down my neck, each one sending shivers through me. When her lips met my skin, she sucked with a force that elicited a soft moan from me. My fingers found their way into her hair, entwining with the strands as the sensations heightened, creating an intimate connection between us.

The intensity between us grew, and the bathroom became a haven for unrestrained passion. Our lips moved fervently, locked in a dance that spoke volumes, expressing emotions too complex for words. Hazel's hands explored the contours of my body with a hunger that matched my own desire.

The air thickened with a palpable heat as our bodies pressed together. Hazel's fingers traced patterns along my skin, setting off electric sparks that resonated through every fiber of my being. Our clothes became a barrier too confining, and I could feel the urgency building between us.

As the intensity of our makeout session heightened, time seemed to lose its grip, and the world outside the bathroom faded away. In that intimate space, the chaos of emotions and uncertainties seemed to disappear, replaced by a shared moment that was both unexpected and undeniably passionate.

Hazel's words cut through the intensity of the moment, casting a sudden shadow over the passionate exchange. "I don't even like you. Why am I doing this?" she confessed, her lips not hesitating in the midst of the admission.

For a moment, the air in the bathroom grew heavy with the weight of her words. Confusion and vulnerability mixed with desire, creating a complex tapestry of emotions. Despite the words spoken, the magnetic pull between us persisted, as if the shared connection transcended the rational boundaries of like or dislike.

"It's been 20 minutes; I want to pee!" A frustrated knock echoed on the door, interrupting our charged moment. I jumped down from the sink hastily, exchanging a quick glance with Hazel, who awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

Opening the door, I found a girl waiting outside. She stared at us and muttered, "Goddamnit," clearly annoyed. Without saying a word, she hurriedly stepped inside, leaving us in the aftermath of our interrupted encounter. The reality of the situation crashed back in, and the once-private space suddenly felt uncomfortably exposed.

As I watched Hazel walk back into the lively crowd, the distance between us felt like an emotional chasm. Her earlier words echoed in my mind like a haunting refrain, "I don't even like you anymore." The scenes of our intense encounter replayed, and a wave of vulnerability and weakness washed over me.

Walking back towards the bar, I settled onto a chair. The once-lively music now felt like a headache, the pulsating beats only serving to intensify the tumult inside me. I scanned the room, searching for Jessie, but she seemed to be nowhere in sight. The chaotic events of the night left me grappling with a mix of emotions, and the ache of uncertainty hung heavy in the air.

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now