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She inhaled deeply, her chest rising and falling with the rhythm of her breath, and then her eyes found mine. The connection was electric, a silent conversation that spoke volumes. I responded with a soft smile and a subtle nod of encouragement, and in response, she closed her eyes.

Her fingertips brushed against the strings with an ethereal touch,causing a soft and tender sound. In those notes, I recognized the familiar lyrics of the song, and a warm familiarity washed over me.

"There must have been an angel by my side

Something heavenly led me to you
Look at the sky
It's the colour of love"

As her voice, sweeter than honey, flowed effortlessly from her lips, the lyrics wrapped around us, filling the room with an intimate, soothing embrace. I couldn't help but join in, humming softly in harmony with the words, our voices blending in a perfect union.

With every strum of the guitar and every note she sang, our connection deepened. The world outside faded , and in that moment, it was just her, the guitar, the lyrics, and the unspoken emotion that hung in the air. As  she continued to sing and play, it felt like the lyrics were penned just for us.

"He built a bridge to your heart, all the way
How many tons of love inside? I can't say w
hen I was led to you
I knew you were the one for me
I swear whole world could feel my heartbeat
When I lay eyes on you
You wrapped me up in the colour of love"

In that room, her voice filled every corner, an enchanting serenade that wrapped around our souls. As I joined her, our voices blended in perfect harmony, our hearts echoing the emotions that flowed through the lyrics. Her gaze met mine, and her soft smile mirrored the joy that surged within me.

In that mesmerizing moment, everything else seemed to blur and fade away. It was as if time itself had slowed down. I was lost in the music, I was lost in the moment, I was lost in her presence that filled up my heart, I couldn't help but smile back at her.

Every note, every lyric, every strum of the guitar felt like a gentle caress to my heart. It was a feeling I'd never known before, a sensation of completeness that enveloped me. Her voice, like a warm embrace, banished all other thoughts from my mind. I was immersed in a world of pure, unadulterated feeling, where only her presence and our shared melody mattered.

In that moment, I realized that this was something extraordinary, a connection that went beyond words. Her voice and the music were like a sweet fragrance, wrapping me in a cocoon of warmth and emotion, and my thoughts were filled with thoughts of her alone. It was a feeling I knew I would treasure for a lifetime, a melody that would forever echo in the depths of my heart.

"You wrapped me up in the colour of love
In the moonlight baby
It must have been an angel came down from above
Giving me love, yeah
Giving me love, yeah
You gave me the kiss of life
Kiss of life"

Her final note hung in the air, a sweet, fading echo of the enchanting melody that had held us captive. I wished for the music to continue, for the moment to stretch on forever, but I knew that reality had its own rhythm.

With a gentle sigh, she set the guitar aside, her fingers no longer dancing on the strings. Her question pulled me back to reality. I gazed at her, a fond smile on my lips, my heart still echoing with the lyrics of the song she just sang.

 I struggled to find the words to capture the profoundness of the moment. "I've no words," I finally admitted, "I... This was so beautiful. Your voice, it's unreal, and your guitar playing... it's amazing. I'm just in awe." It felt like no word in the world could do justice to her voice and the emotions she had stirred within me.

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now