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Cassie laid on the grass, gazing up at the night sky. The stars twinkled above like distant diamonds, and a soft breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. Beside her, Hazel sat with her legs crossed, occasionally pointing out constellations with enthusiasm.

"Cassie, look at that one, It looks almost like the Sirius!" Hazel said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Cassie followed Hazel's finger, "Oh, wow! That's amazing. I never really paid much attention to the stars before."

Hazel smiled, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. "Yeah, there's so much beauty up there. It's like a whole other world."

As they continued to talk about the constellations and the universe, Cassie couldn't help but notice the genuine passion in Hazel's voice. There was something about the way Hazel's eyes lit up that made Cassie feel warm inside.

"do you ever wish upon a star?" Hazel asked, her tone softer now.

Cassie chuckled, "I used to when I was a kid, but not so much anymore. Why do you ask?"

Hazel hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I don't know. It's just that sometimes, when you wish on a star, it feels like the universe is listening. Like it knows your deepest desires."

Cassie looked at Hazel, her curiosity piqued. "What's your deepest desire, then?"

Hazel blushed, her gaze shifting away for a moment. "Well, it's stupid, but I guess I wish for things that make me happy. Like, I talk about the person I admire the most and maybe I wish that i could spend more time with them ."

Cassie's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't quite put her finger on why. "That sounds nice. I guess we all have those wishes, don't we?"she smiled 

Hazel nodded, her eyes meeting Cassie's for a fleeting moment. "Yeah, we do."

The atmosphere between them became charged with unspoken emotions as they continued to stargaze. Cassie couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Hazel's words, something hidden beneath the surface. Little did she know that Hazel's deepest desire was right there beside her, gazing at the stars together under the vast night sky.


I glanced over at Hazel, her gaze fixed on the stars as if each one held a wish she longed to make. The soft glow of moonlight highlighted the expression on her face, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

As I watched her, a warmth spread through me. It was like a blend of curiosity, fascination, and a hint of something deeper. Hazel's connection to the stars seemed to mirror the way she made me feel,drawn to her, captivated by her existence,her beauty,her charm,and her talks.

She turned to me, her eyes reflecting the shimmering constellations above. "Isn't it incredible how each star has a story, a wish waiting to be heard?"

I nodded, not just in agreement with her words, but with the realization that Hazel, in her own way, was becoming a constellation in my life, a source of wonder and magic that made everything else fade into the background.

"I never thought you'd be so interesting to be around," I chuckled, stealing a glance at her. Hazel's smile in response was a mixture of curiosity and amusement as she tilted her head slightly.

"What did you think of me then?" she asked, her eyes holding a playful glint.

I couldn't help but grin. "Well, at first, I thought you were a bit of a nerd – not that it's a bad thing. And maybe a bit of a loser, but, you know, not in a bad way ofcourse. Then, after the whole fight club thing, I started seeing you as, um, maybe a badass but in a tragically cute way. But, I still thought you were a bit of a loser," I confessed, enjoying the way her eyes widened in mock disbelief.

"Wait, you don't think I'm like the cool kids?" she gasped dramatically, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

I sat up, looking at her with a teasing smile. "Nope, not at all."

She gave me a  offended look, and I continued to laugh. "You're very cute, Hazel," I said, my laughter subsiding as I smiled at her.

"Okay well maybe you're kindof cool in your own way but ,You're natural. I don't know how to say this because I've never come across anyone quite like you. But I like you just the way you are. I'm not a fan of the 'cool kids' around here anyway," I added, my smile softening as I looked into her eyes. The shifting expressions on her face told a story of surprise, amusement, and maybe a hint of something more maybe she was appreciating the fact that i set her apart from the crowd.

"Well, I appreciate that," Hazel smiled, her eyes once again drawn to the stars above. After a moment of comfortable silence, I couldn't help but break it with a question that had been lingering on my mind.

"What did you think of me?" I asked, making her shift her gaze from the stars and back to me.

"Well, Cassie—" she began, and I interrupted with a smile, "You can call me Cass."

Her face lit up with a bright smile, and she continued, "Well, Cass, I always looked at you as the girl that everybody wanted, or maybe some even wanted to be you. You're pretty, you're cool, and you're kind  and like all of these things make you likable. Though we never really talked, I just knew that you were truly a genuine and kind person," she said, her words making my heart skip a beat.

"That's...," I struggled to find the right words, "That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me. Thank you." I smiled.


"I thought you and PJ were a thing," Cassie said out of nowhere, and I couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed like everyone had assumed there was something more between PJ and me.

"No, that's not true," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I mean, yeah, we did kiss, and everyone thought we were dating, but it was something unexpected."

Cassie's eyebrows raised in curiosity as she leaned in a bit, waiting for an explanation. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before continuing.

"PJ is, you know, very energetic, and I'm just clueless, always so... like, we can never be anything except for being friends. Only Josie can handle PJ," I explained, the memory of PJ's boundless energy that made me chuckle. Cassie nodded, absorbing the information with a thoughtful expression.

"It's funny how people assume things, huh?" she remarked, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, definitely," I replied, feeling a sense of relief that she brought up the topic.

As we continued talking, I found myself opening up to Cassie in ways I hadn't with others. The night became a canvas for our stories, and beneath the stars, a connection was forming—one that held the promise of something genuine and unique.

"So, you liked girls since forever?" Cassie questioned, a playful chuckle escaping her lips.

"Yeah, but I fought the battle of internalized homophobia," I laughed, and Cassie joined in.

"I had a boyfriend in 8th grade, and, well, maybe that was when I knew I had zero interest in guys," I explained, and Cassie chuckled, her eyes reflecting genuine interest.

"What, like, he gave you a ick or something?" she asked playfully, a teasing smile on her lips.

I nodded, recalling the memory. "Yeah, after our first and last kiss," I said, looking at Cassie, who playfully scrunched her nose in response. Her reaction made me burst into laughter.

We chatted about all sorts of things for the next hour. It felt like time was on our side, and I wished the night would never end. Everything about it was unreal.

We discussed about random stuff favorite movies, favorite artists, and even our weirdest dreams.

The night rolled on, and the simplicity of our conversation made it even more enjoyable. I found myself laughing at her jokes. As we talked, I couldn't help but notice how comfortable and natural it felt. The worries of the day faded away, and all that mattered was the present moment with Cassie. I secretly wished that the night would stretch on endlessly.


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𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now