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"I can't believe this. Did she... play me?" I thought, a wave of disbelief and hurt washing over me. Cassie and Joshua getting back together hit me like a sudden storm, and I found myself questioning  the moments we had shared. The news of Joshua and Cassie getting back together spread around like a wildfire.

As I processed the reality of the situation, a mix of emotions surged within me. I had allowed myself to open up, to feel a connection with Cassie, only to discover that Cassie had chosen to rekindle a relationship with someone from her past. The warmth that had blossomed between us now felt like a distant memory, replaced by a sense of betrayal.

"I thought there was something real between us," I whispered to myself, My  mind replaying the laughter, the shared glances, and the sweet moments we had experienced. It was a stark contrast to the revelation that Cassie had returned to someone she had once walked away from.

I struggled to make sense of it all, questioning whether the connection she felt was genuine or merely a temporary distraction for Cassie. The hurt lingered, and the realization that I might have been a pawn in someone else's game left a bitter taste.

 As I navigated through the conflicting emotions, I steeled myself for the conversation that lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth behind the unexpected turn of events.

The following day at school was filled with an air of tension as I and Cassie crossed paths. I couldn't shake the lingering feeling of betrayal, but I decided to confront Cassie and seek the clarity i needed. As we met near the lockers, I took a deep breath, ready to address everything and seek for the truth.

"Cassie," I began, My  voice steady but with a hint of vulnerability. "Can we talk?"

Cassie, sensing the weight of the situation, nodded solemnly. "Sure,"

We moved to a quieter corner of the hallway, away from the curious eyes and prying ears. I looked directly into Cassie's eyes, searching for the truth.

"I heard about you and Joshua," I said,with a mix of disappointment and confusion. "I thought... I thought we had something real, Cassie. Was it all just a game?Was I just a distraction for you?"

Cassie was taken aback by the directness of my question, she sighed. "Hazel, it's not that simple. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Then explain it to me, Cassie,because you did hurt me." I insisted, My eyes clearly pleading for honesty. "What changed overnight?"

Cassie hesitated before speaking, choosing her words carefully. "Joshua and I have a complicated history. He apologized, and I thought we could try again. But Hazel, what we had was real. I didn't plan for any of this to happen."

I felt a mixture of betrayal and frustration. "Real? Cassie, I need more than that. I need to understand why I was part of this confusion?"

Cassie sighed once more, realizing the impact of her choices. "I care about you, Hazel. I never meant to hurt you. I just... I need time to figure things out."

"I wish you had communicated that with me but whatever i guess."

Cassie looked down, realizing the depth of the hurt she had caused. "I know, and I'm sorry. I should have been clearer."

As we parted ways,I couldn't shake the sense of disappointment and hurt. If only I could find the courage to express how deeply I love her. If only I could gather the strength to speak up and let her know the emotions that swirl within me. The weight of unspoken affection hangs heavy. I couldnt even be mad at her because of how much I love that girl.

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now