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I strolled around the school during our lunch break, my thoughts consumed by the pressing need to talk to Hazel. As I stood near one of the lockers, I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to reach out to her. "Hello,", but before I could continue, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Brittany, a familiar face from the previous year, opening her locker.

"Hey," I greeted her with a smile, trying to hide the urgency in my voice. "Long time no talk, huh?" Brittany remarked, casually flipping through her textbooks. Our schedules had changed this year, and we hadn't crossed paths as frequently.

"Yeah, I know," I replied, my eyes darting around to spot Hazel amidst the bustling lunchtime crowd. Just as I was about to excuse myself, Brittany continued the conversation. "So, how's everything?" she inquired, genuine curiosity in her eyes.

Just then, in the corner of my eye, I saw Hazel walking past us. "Hazel!" I called out impulsively, my focus now shifting entirely. "Brittany, I'm so sorry. I'll catch up with you later," I said, briefly explaining the urgency in my tone. Brittany tilted her head in confusion, but understanding flickered across her face.

"Okay, bye," Brittany replied as I hastily went after Hazel, my footsteps quickening. "Hazel, stop!" I called out, and to my relief, she halted, turning to face me. It was finally time to have that conversation I had been yearning for.

I stood in front of her, gasping for breath after catching up with her hurried pace. "I called out for you twice," I managed to say, looking up at her. Her response was cold, a stark departure from the warmth we once shared. "So?" she retorted, and as I gazed into her eyes, I noticed a dullness that hadn't been there before. Her whole demeanor had shifted in my presence.

Feeling a pang of unease, I tried to push away the creeping thoughts and said, "Nothing. I just wanted to talk w—"

"Oh, so now you want to talk, Cassie?" she interrupted, her tone sharp and accusatory. "Let me guess, you broke up? Is that why you want to talk to me now? Is that why you're here?" Each word cut through me, and I struggled to comprehend the harshness in her words. This wasn't the Hazel I knew.

"Hazel, no," I began, attempting to explain, but she didn't let me finish.

"Yes. That's what it is, isn't it?" she continued, her anger escalating. "You broke up with your little boyfriend again, and now you have no one who could give you the attention, so you came back to me. And then you'll again leave me when a guy comes?" The accusations stung, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. This wasn't the conversation I had envisioned.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked, my voice trembling as I tried desperately to maintain my composure.

"I don't want to talk with you ever again, Cassie," she declared, her words echoing in the air. The weight of her rejection hit me, and tears welled up in my eyes. My throat tightened, and the ache within me deepened. I realized, with a sinking feeling, that I had made a colossal mistake by choosing to confront Hazel in this way. Maybe a letter wouldve been a better idea.

Hazel's words lingered in the air, heavy with disappointment and anger. I fought back the tears that threatened to spill over, desperately trying to understand how our conversation had taken such a turn. This wasn't the reunion I had envisioned, and the pain in her accusations cut deep.

"Why are you being like this?" I repeated, my voice steadier this time, but the hurt still evident. I needed her to understand that my intentions weren't as she perceived them.

Hazel scoffed, her eyes narrowing as if daring me to challenge her further. "Like what, Cassie? Like someone who's tired of being a backup plan when things don't work out with your latest fling? I'm not interested in being your second choice."

Her words struck a nerve, and I struggled to find the right response. "It's not like that, Hazel. I just wanted to talk, to catch up, to see how you've been," I pleaded, my voice filled with sincerity.

She rolled her eyes dismissively. "Save it, Cassie. I've been through this before, and I won't be your fallback option."

The realization hit me hard. I had unintentionally reopened wounds from the past, and the pain in Hazel's eyes was evident. This wasn't about the present; it was about the history we shared, the times I may have let her down.

"Hazel, I never meant to hurt you," I said, my voice softer now, trying to convey the sincerity in my words. 

She remained silent for a moment, her gaze intense. The tension between us hung in the air, and I felt the weight of the unspoken words. Finally, she sighed, the edges of her anger softening just a bit. "Cassie, I can't go through that again. I won't."

The finality in her tone left me speechless. With a heavy heart, I nodded, As Hazel walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had lost something important — soemthing that had once meant the world to me.

I witnessed Hazel walking out of my view, and a blur clouded my vision. Tears streamed down my face as I wandered through the corridors in search of my best friends, my cheeks wet with continued emotion.

Through tears, I uttered, "She could've just heard me out," the weight of my words mingling with the sobs that shook my frame. Jessie hugged me, her top now damp with my tears, but the  scent of vanilla that enveloped us provided a comfort to me , she softly attempted to quiet my distressed outpouring.

"You can't just force her to talk with you, Cass," Jessie gently reasoned, her touch offering a steady reassurance. With a tender motion, she wiped away the tears that cascaded down my cheeks. "Do you think she hates me, Jess?" I asked, the fear of rejection palpable in my voice.

Jessie responded with conviction, "No, no, never. No one can ever hate you, Cassie!" Her words, delivered with sincerity, embraced me like a warm embrace, momentarily quelling the doubts that gnawed at my heart. 

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(i love cassie)

𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 (hazel callahan)Where stories live. Discover now