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not_evil: Henry no! Get back here! Now!
CaptainSwan4eva: he's gone dipshit
not_evil: no one asked you Guyliner
e_saviour: eugh shut up
e_saviour: how do we get Henry back?
not_evil: ask wormy she's the nerd
b.books: I'm not helping you Regina
not_evil: get over your ego
e_saviour: look please for your grandson
b.books: he's not my grandson anymore!
not_evil: I understand I want to disown him as well for getting that ho preggers but tough shit
b.books: I meant that Im not with Rumple Bitch Queen.
b.books: I been reading GoT your worse than Cersei
not_evil: rambling nerd
TheDarkOne: you love me really
b.books: yeahhhh of courssseee
e_saviour: Belle just shut up and help
b.books: fine
b.books: guys you have to cast a new curse
yay_birds: Regina's favourite thing
not_evil: shut up little miss Vitamin D defincey
yay_birds: I mighr be pale but I have vitamins!
charming: don't stress dear
e_saviour: look I'll cast it just stfu
b.books: yh basically just get something of Henry's and Grace's that they shared and then cut it with the Kriss Dagger and then chant: I summon thee. I summon thee. Return to me. I need to thou see.
e_saviour: K ttyl
e_saviour: I dunnit theyre here
HatMan: whipp di do
AmazingGrace: Henry we don't have to tell them anything
TheTruestBeliever: Grace is pregnant
AmazingGrace: Boo wth
TheTruestBeliever: sozzies gotta be a good role model for my new babakins
not_evil: I'm gonna die mummyyy come over and hold me
QueenOfHearts: of course my little devil
e_saviour: that's okay I'll come over!
not_evil: oh we can... 'snuggle' ;)
CaptainSwan4eva: I'm going to go voluntarily walk the plank. I hate life.
They're back and Grace is pregnant! That isn't going to go well...

Ouat Texts
FanfictionImagine if the Once Upon A Time characters spoke through the internet. This is a comedy.